Deleting a progression record

If you find a student on the list who doesn't need a progression record, for example because they have withdrawn or gone interrupted, you can delete the progression record.

You will only be able to delete a progression record if:

  • the student is not fully matriculated, and
  • the progression record is not ratified or published.

If you try to delete a record where the student is matriculated you will see an error message displayed.

How to delete a progression record

Process summary

  1. Click the Edit button on the end of the student's progression line to access their individual record
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the link "Remove progression record"
    • A pop up box "Remove progression record" will now appear asking if you're sure you want to remove the progression record
  3. Confirm the action by clicking Remove progression record
    • The record will be deleted and you will be returned to the student list screen

Full process with screenshots

If you need a bit more guidance you'll find step by step instructions with screenshots included on this document: 


Next steps

Return to the Progression & Awards home page to continue with where you are in the process. You can also refer to the Process overview page to see an end to end process map.