Guidance for completing an application to study with us as a postgraduate or visiting student. The following online application subjects are included within this instructional video page: Online application navigation New user details screen Upload documents screen Personal screen Contact screen Programme screen Qualification screen Employment screen Employment screen Submit screen Application finance screen Application referee screen HTML Watch our videos These videos show how our software works, with text guidance. They have no sound. To view in full screen click the video title (top left hand corner) and watch direct from youtube with all the youtube functionality available. Please note that our videos will not display in Google Chrome due to a bug, but can be viewed in other browsers. To receive this information in an alternative format, contact our team. Student Systems Work: +44 (0)131 651 4000 Email: Online application navigation: instructional video (2.18) HTML Application new user details screen: instructional video (1.23) HTML Application Upload documents screen: instructional video (2.23) HTML Application personal screen: instructional video (1.29) HTML Application contact screen: instructional video (1.06) HTML Application programme screen: instructional video (0.57) HTML Application qualification screen: instructional video (1.43) HTML Application employment screen: instructional video (0.41) HTML Application finance screen: instructional video (0.46) HTML Application referee screen: instructional video (1.00) HTML Application submit screen: instructional video (1.58) HTML Support HTML Contact your Admissions Office if your question is related to:The status of your applicationChanges to your application or personal detailsInformation to support your applicationUniversity of Edinburgh Admissions Offices Contact Student Systems if you need help with a technical problem related to your application: Student Systems Contact details Email: Contact Student Immigration if your question is related to the subjects below:Amendments to your passport detailsCAS (Confirmation of Acceptance for Study) Student Immigration Service Contact details Web: Contact Student Immigration Service This article was published on 2024-07-29
HTML Watch our videos These videos show how our software works, with text guidance. They have no sound. To view in full screen click the video title (top left hand corner) and watch direct from youtube with all the youtube functionality available. Please note that our videos will not display in Google Chrome due to a bug, but can be viewed in other browsers. To receive this information in an alternative format, contact our team. Student Systems Work: +44 (0)131 651 4000 Email:
HTML Contact your Admissions Office if your question is related to:The status of your applicationChanges to your application or personal detailsInformation to support your applicationUniversity of Edinburgh Admissions Offices Contact Student Systems if you need help with a technical problem related to your application: Student Systems Contact details Email: Contact Student Immigration if your question is related to the subjects below:Amendments to your passport detailsCAS (Confirmation of Acceptance for Study) Student Immigration Service Contact details Web: Contact Student Immigration Service