
Guidance on creating and amending adjustments and their qualifying conditions

Adjustments (reference data)


How do I create / amend / close an individual adjustment

How do I create / amend close a Qualifying statement


Click the "Maintain adjustment and Qualifying conditions" link

adjustment link


The maintain adjustment page is displayed

adjustments list adjustments



Click on a section to expand it, allowing you to view the data within

To add an adjustment click the "Add adjustment" button

access to edit adjustments image


The Add adjustment page is displayed

add adjustments image
add adjustments save image


Enter the details of the adjustment using the Text fields, tick boxes and drop down menus. 


When the adjustment details are complete click the "Save" Button.


How do I edit an existing adjustment


Click the "Edit" button next to the relevant adjustment

Select the "Edit adjustment" option from the drop down menu

access to edit options image



The edit adjustment page is displayed

All the text fields, drop down menus and tick boxes used to create the adjustment are available to edit

edit adjustments image
edit adjustments save image

When statisfied with the changes click the "Save" button


How do I create / amend close a Qualifying statement


Click the "Edit" button next to the relevant adjustment

Select the "Edit qualifying conditions" option from the drop down menu

Edit qualifying conditions image


The manage qualifying conditions page is displayed

Click the "Add qualifying condition" button

Adjustment manage qualifying conditions


The manage qualifying conditions page is displayed

Enter the details of the qualifying condition

Click the "Save" button

add qualifying conditions image






Disability & Learning Support Service