Progression and Award FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I make sure I only calculate and publish one award for a student? 

In Progression and Awards you can sort by Student ID, Name and Exam number. This allows you to check that there is only one progression record for each student. If they have multiple progression records you can remove the extras. 


A student has a progression record but I don’t need to publish a decision – what should I do? 

If you have any progression records in Progression and Awards that you don’t need to use then you can remove them by clicking on the blue ‘Action’ button and then the ‘Remove record’ option. You can select multiple records at a time and then remove them in bulk. 


How can I tell if a student has multiple unpublished award decisions in different years of the programme? 

You can run the BI reports available at the below file path, export these as excel files and review them more easily. 

Public Folders > SASG : Student Systems > Officially Dev & Maintained > Student > Assessment and Progression Tools > Progression and Awards Reports 


I expected to see a progression record for a student but they are not appearing in Progression and Awards – what should I do? 

A progression record will only exist in an academic year if the student record has been rolled into that year. You can check the student’s EUCLID record > ‘Programme’ tab > bottom of the page. If the student has a corresponding ‘Registration progression record’ for the year of programme and academic year they should be in Progression and Awards. If there are any issues with them either not being rolled to the current academic year or not having a progression record in Progression and Awards then contact us at  


I need to award an ordinary degree to an undergraduate student, what options should I select in Progression and Awards? 

  1. Progression: Select "No progression: Ordinary/General degree awarded"
  2. Tick the "Is the award programme different ..." box

In the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences: 

  1. Award programme: Select the "Arts, Humanities and Social Science (BA) (AHSS)" programme for your School
  2. Award: Select "BA(AHSS)"
  3. Classification: Select the option you need
  4. Award text: Select the relevant designated discipline

In the Colleges of Science and Engineering and Medicine and Veterinary Medicine: 

  1. Award programme: Select the "BSc Ordinary Sciences" programme for your School
  2. Award: Select "BSc (Ord)" or "BMedSci (Ord)"
  3. Classification: Select Pass 
  4. Award text: Select the relevant designated discipline

If the ‘Award text’ option is missing, please contact  


How do I disregard a course with special circumstances from being counted in a student’s classification? 

To disregard a course mark from the award calculations if you click into the student’s progression page from Progression and Awards and click the hyperlink in the ‘Selection status’ column you will see a tick box which you can use to disregard the course. 


What is the difference between non-counting credit and disregarding a course? 

'Non-counting credit' means neither the course mark nor the course credits will be used in award calculation. 

‘Disregard course from award calculations' means the course mark will not be used in award calculation, but the course credits will still be used.