Adding a thesis submission attempt

View guidance on how to add a 'Thesis submission' within the PGR Thesis workflow software within EUCLID.

The 'Add new thesis submission' tool can be found in the ‘Assessment’ part of the Student Hub.

Image of thesis section within the student hub assessment tab

To start a submission attempt, select the ‘Add button’ on the right hand side

From here you will be asked to select the 'Assessment' type for the submission

You will need to select the 'Assessment type' from the drop down appropriate for the student.

You will also need to identify if this has an 'Additional assessment type' attached to the submission. Eg. 'Lab work or practicals' etc. On selecting ‘Yes’ you will be presented with an additional step at the end of the submission, which requires you to confirm the additional assessments have been presented.

assessment type

Select and 'Save'.

A workflow is then created for the submission attempt

workflow of thesis submission

 Select ‘Edit’ to begin keying details for the submission attempt.

Edit thesis submission

Scroll to the bottom to 'Save'.

Please note:  you can download the 'Nomination of Examiners' form and the 'Notice of Intention to Submit (NITS) received letter' from this screen.

Completing all of these dates will complete the first section of the attempt.

submission workflow

When saving the 'thesis submitted' date a request will be sent automatically to the Student Records Team to update the record. A confirmation will be received at the top of the screen.

submission attempt recorder

You can check the request has been submitted by going to the Student hub 'Programme' tab.

thesis programme button

You can see your 'Active Requests' here:

active requests

Clicking the 'Thesis submission/resubmission' link will provide further details.

Thesis submission resubmission details

Related pages

How do I edit thesis title

Managing thesis submission Examiners

FAQ PGR Thesis Submission


Student Records

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