How student support staff can add a comment to a meeting or note on a student record. Login to your MyED portal. Click on the Teaching and Research tab and find Euclid. Click on the Student Adviser tab. This will display the My Students screen with a list of students assigned to you. Image Click on the Notes/Meetings button next to the appropriate student. This will display the Notes/Meeting window. Image Click Comment in the text box of the relevant meeting or note. This will display the Add comment window: Image Enter the body of the text for your comment in the free text box. You can click ‘Insert standard pre-defined text’ if you are creating a standard comment. Select the appropriate option(s) from the Categories menu (i.e. Academic, Personal, Health and wellbeing, Student Administration, Professional and skills development, Other) Which category should I to use? You should select the key reason or couple of key reasons for your meeting or note. In some cases, you may feel a different category is appropriate from the student's initial request. For example, a student approaches you initially about a minor administrative query, but reveals in the meeting more serious underlying concerns. The table below gives examples of the types of challenges a student could discuss with you, and most appropriate category. This will not capture every situation and you will need to use your own expert judgement to categorise each individual student's circumstances appropriately. Category Examples Academic Pre-Arrival and Matriculation, Welcome week and induction General learning and teaching Exam diets, Exam results, Assessment deadlines, Extensions and Special Circumstances, building, venue or room details timetabling, changing course and support from Student Disability and Learning Support Service Academic Progression, Authorised Interruption of Studies, Academic Appeals, Resits, Repeat Year Support for studies, Transfer, Academic misconduct Fitness to practice Personal Accommodation Relationship breakdown, death of a person close to student Caring responsibilities Financial difficulties Difficult/Challenging Home Environment Change in employment commitments Health and Wellbeing An urgent health situation that requires immediate action by a member of staff. Physical injury, physical ill health, mental ill health, sexual harassment or assault, victim of crime (resulting in physical injury etc.) Any non-urgent situation that requires attention by a member of staff but within 24-48 hours. Social isolation, overwhelm, death of someone student had a close relationship with, illness of someone student had a close relationship with, relationship breakdown, caring responsibilities, victim of crime (resulting in non-injury but loss, e.g. fraud) Student Administration Fees, funding and sponsorship Visas and Sponsorship Graduation Updating documents/records Professional & Skills Development Careers Internships Coaching conversations Placements & SWAY, including: funding, travel, accommodation, insurance Other Complaints and Student Conduct issues Natural Disaster, Military Conflict, Extreme weather conditions Significant problems with access to teaching and learning materials, e.g. due to connectivity, power, or equipment issues Tick the Confidential box if the details are to be view only for the Student Adviser and Student Support Team. Up to three files can be attached to a meeting record (2mb limit per file). You can search for the appropriate file to attach by clicking on the Choose File button next to the Files field. All common file types are acceptable. Click on Save comment button to save the details. This will return you to the Notes/Meetings screen where the new comment will be visible under the meeting/note. Attached files can be viewed by clicking on the file next to Attachments. Image Click on the Close button to return to the My Students screen. This article was published on 2024-07-29