Adding a note to a student

How student support staff can add a note to a student's record.

Read the guidance below to record notes against your students' records outwith meetings.


Login to your MyED portal.

Click on the Teaching and Research tab and find Euclid.

Click on the Student Adviser tab.

This will display the My Students screen with a list of students assigned to you.

Screenshot of My Students screen in the Student Adviser tool highlighting Notes/Meetings button.

Click on the Notes/Meetings button next to the appropriate student.

This will display the Notes/Meeting window.

Screenshot of Notes/meetings screen highlighting Add a note button.

Click ‘Add a note’.

This will display the Add a note window to record the note details:

Screenshot of add note screen showing subject line, text box, categories, confidential button, save note and close option.

Enter the subject of your note in the Subject Line field.

Enter the body of the text for your note in the free text box. You can click ‘Insert standard pre-defined text’ if you are creating a standard note:

Screenshot of add note screen highlighting Insert standard pre-defined text button and showing example text.

Select the appropriate option(s) from the Categories menu (i.e. Academic, Personal, Health and wellbeing, Student Administration, Professional and skills development, Other)

Tick the Confidential box if the details are to be view only for the Student Adviser and Student Support Team.

Up to three files can be attached to a meeting record (2mb limit per file). You can search for the appropriate file to attach by clicking on the Choose file button next to the Files field. All common file types are acceptable.

Screenshot of add note screen showing text box, categories, file upload buttons and highlighting Save note button.

Click on Save note button to save the details.

This will return you to the Notes/Meetings screen where the new note will be visible.

Screenshot of Notes/meetings screen showing new note added highlighting where to find attachments.

Attached files can be viewed by clicking on the file next to Attachments.

Click on the Close button to return to the My Students screen.