Weekly Central Data Uploads

Some student engagement events will be uploaded to EUCLID centrally on a weekly basis


  • Confirmation of Attendance for all students 


  • Student Submission of PGR Annual Review stage 1; noting when a student has completed the first stage of the Annual Review process within Euclid. 


  • 1:1 meetings with Personal Tutors and Student Support Offices for Taught students if recorded within their Meetings and Notes.  It will still be possible to add meetings as engagement events on an individual basis.  Our guidance explaining how to record meetings as engagement events can be found at Individual Engagement Events.


  • Weekly Learn login data for all students*


*Schools / Deaneries should move away from utilising Learn Logins as their main type of engagement data, with the exception of students who have been approved for exceptional permission to study off campus. Weekly central uploads of this information will continue. However, whilst School / Deaneries may choose to use this type of data for pastoral monitoring, using this type of data to demonstrate academic engagement would not be compliant for students studying with us in Edinburgh