Add new outcomes

View guidance on adding new outcomes as a 'PGR Thesis workflow' 'Super User'.

When creating a new 'Assessment type' you can add each of the 'Outcomes' available based on the regulations. You can also add new Outcomes to existing Assessments to cater for changes in the regulations.

Select 'Edit outcomes' from the main' Assessment' screen.

Image of Outcome edit button

 This will open up a blank record allowing you to key the first 'Outcome' and use the ‘Add Outcome’ button to add subsequent options.

Image of edit outcome screen

 Enter the 'Outcome', 'Reg. No.', 'Outcome Type', 'Letter', 'Available on' and number of months (where appropriate) for each outcome and click 'Save.'

Image of save outcome button

 On saving the new assessment type will have some outcomes saved against it.

Image of updated outcome list