Student Support Team tool explained

Information about the Student Support Team tool and how your Student Adviser and Student Support Team will support you through your studies.

Your Student Adviser or Student Support Team will give you academic guidance and help you reflect on your progress so that you get the most out of your studies at Edinburgh.

Your Student Adviser or Student Support Team will also advise you about the wider network of Edinburgh’s support services available to you.

Student Support Team tool

As you progress through your university career, you can use MyEd’s Student Support Team tool to:

  • track the content of meetings
  • reflect on the progress and direction of your studies
  • record notes and comments

To access the tool, select ‘Student support team’ in MyEd’s ‘Studies’ tab.

Access MyEd's Student Support Team tool (requires University login)

Technical tip: if you’re based in the UK while studying with us, set your Office 365 time zone to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) to avoid receiving incorrect meeting notification times.


For help using the Student Support Team tool, refer to our online user guides by clicking on the links below, or contact our team for additional support.

User guides

Student Support Team tool overview

Request a meeting

Meeting notification: next steps

Add a note

Add a comment

Confidentially settings for notes and comments

Viewing messages

Technical support

Contact our team for further technical support.

Student Systems

Contact details

Related links

Visit the University's Student pages on Student Advisers

Visit the University’s Student pages on academic life

Visit the Records Management Section’s pages on data protection