Our data

The Student Analytics, Insights and Modelling team provide a range of reporting and analytical services relating to student and timetabling data. 

Student Analytics, Insights and Modelling Team 

We aim to provide robust, trusted and useable analytics and insights to colleagues across the university to support evidence based decision making leading to enhanced student experiences and improved outcomes.

We offer a range of services - full details, and existing data outputs, can be accessed by University staff at Student Analytics, Insights and Modelling.

Our core services include:


Insights Hub

The Insights Hub is a searchable directory of analysis and insights produced by teams across the University of Edinburgh, including information on student numbers, student survey outcomes and teaching delivery trends.


Our reporting team supports operational processes and activities across the University where staff need to work with datasets rather than the individual student and applicant records available in EUCLID. 

Student Voice

Our Insights team support University colleagues in understanding and responding to student feedback, through the coordination and analysis of student surveys and the Student Panel. We also provide a toolkit of resources to support Schools and Colleges in gathering feedback at a local level.


Our modelling team use student and timetabling data to support strategic planning, through projection modelling and scenario planning.


Find out more

Full range of services and existing analysis can be found at Student Analytics, Insights and Modelling 

Requests for information should be requested through student.analytics@ed.ac.uk