Delete a group meeting comment

The steps below provide a description of the actions required to delete a group meeting comment.

Click on the Teaching and Research tab and find Euclid.

Click on the Student Adviser tab.

Click on the Group Messages/Meetings tab:

Screenshot of Student Adviser tool showing a list of students and highlighting the Group Messages/Meetings button.

This will display all meetings & messages added by you to your group of selected students. As the Student Adviser you will be able to see all notes/comments made by yourself against the group meeting, however, to view student comments/notes you will need to view their Notes/Meetings individually.

Identify the comment that you wish to delete.

Screenshot of group messages/meetings screen highlighting Flag Deleted button on a comment.

Click on the Flag Deleted link within the comment.

This will display a delete confirmation screen:

Screenshot of delete message confirmation window highlighting Delete message button.

Click on the Delete message button.

This will return you to the Group Messages/Meetings tab with the deleted comment replaced by a note indicating its removal from view:

Screenshot of Group message/meetings screen showing that a comment has been deleted.