When logging into Mobility Online, it didn't ask me to authenticate with my University login details. Is this okay?

Mobility Online FAQ

When you login to view an application within 'Mobility Online', a University login  screen should appear. If it doesn’t, then it means you are already signed in. This is normally fine if you are already logged on, but it could also signify that you are logged in with someone else’s University lLogin e.g. you are using a friend’s computer and may end up applying with their University login details.

To avoid this happening, please close all browsers and log out before logging into 'Mobility Online' again.  This will ensure you don’t apply under someone else’s login.

Contacting us

For enquiries about your application:

SWAY Team: International Outgoing Applications

Contact details

SWAY Team: European Outgoing Applications

Contact details

For enquiries about the 'Mobility Online' software:

Student Systems

Contact details