
View details of key scholarship information, including background, timelines and role allocation.


The development of scholarships IT tools within EUCLID is part of the larger Student Funding project. You can find out more about the Student Funding project, including background, benefits,  timelines and contact details, by scrolling to the information at the bottom of this page. 

Key Scholarships information

Please note that all scholarships that were previously applied for via the SSFS online application will be available for administration within the new EUCLID IT tools. 

An exercise was carried out earlier in 2016 to ask Schools if they wished to include any scholarships for administration within this tool. If your scholarship was not included within the new EUCLID tools then you will continue to administrate the scholarship applications as before. 

If you are not sure if your scholarship is being administered within EUCLID, please contact Student Systems via our contact details at the bottom of this page.


The following EUCLID roles will be held at School or College level, by Academic or Administrative Support staff, and by the Central Scholarships Team:

  • view only
  • screening
  • decision making

A full description of the roles notes above can be seen within this online help (links below), and a series of 'preview' demonstrations were delivered in December 2016 to highlight the allocation and access rights of the above roles. If you scholarship is involved within the EUCLID administration tool, and you were unable to attend the 'preview' sessions, and need to discuss the role allocation for you and your colleagues, please contact Brenda Kutereba (Business Analyst) on the email address below:


If you are in a position to request EUCLID access for the scholarships adminstration tool, please send the following details in a spreadsheet to Brenda, including the details below:

Along with the following details:

  • name (forename, surname)
  • UUN
  • your School
  • role type (view only, screening or decision making)

Your line manager should liaise with you about your suitable role and send these within a spreadsheet.

Send us your access requests by Christmas!

The Student Funding project

Background & Benefits

The development of scholarships IT tools within EUCLID is part of the larger Student Funding project. The key objectives of the 'Student Funding' project are listed below:

  • all student funding information is to be recorded within EUCLID and the information made available across the institution.
  • improve the applicant/student experience related to application and allocation of funding.
  • reduction in staff time in the administration of student funding.

Student Funding timelines

The project will be delivered in 3 stages listed below:

  • stage 1 : To provide students with an online application for scholarships (delivered October 2016)
  • stage 2: To provide EUCLID tools to allow staff to administrate, and make a decision on all scholarships applications received (23rd January 2017)
  • stage 3: Recording of all other funding (end January to July)

Project information

You can view more information about the Student Funding project, including contact and progress details by clicking on the link below :

Student Funding Project journal (EASE authentication required)

Reference links

View only access

Screening access

Decision making access

Student Systems

Contact details