Email correspondence

Read the text used in the automated email correspondence use in the programme change request form system.

Below is an example. Specific Request details are shown based on Request Type and what is entered.


Email to student


Dear <Student_First_Name>

The following request has been submitted to update your current record:

Year of study only

New Year of Study: 3

Repeating a year: Yes

Reason for repeat year: Other Reasons

Date change is to take effect from:  Start of current Academic Session

This email is for information only, there is no action required on your part.

The change will be visible on student self-service once actioned.


With best wishes

University of Edinburgh



Email to nominated staff email when submitting request


Please note the following student programme details change request has been submitted.



Student Name: Jane Doe

Request type: Mode of Study only


For more detailed information regarding this request please view in the Student Hub from the below link:

<Display link to Student Hub record for student>


Please do not reply to this email.