Our guidance outlines the process for setting up a Tutor's access to their student attendance registers Attendance Register Tutor accounts are set up specifically to enable access to the student attendance register in MyEd. These accounts are different from accounts required by other academics such as Personal Tutors or Supervisors. They enable access to the attendance register only. The Tutor can access learning adjustments assigned to them in EUCLID, but they have no other access to student record data. What is required for an Attendance Register Tutor account? Tutors require a staff-like account on the University's identity management system and should be able to access their University staff email account. School administrators should ensure their Tutors have been given a copy of their staff UUNs and single-use passwords for MyEd. Attendance Register Tutors must have a dedicated EUCLID account. Their account details will feed from EUCLID to the Student Attendance Recording channel in MyEd, and to Learn. Our guidance explains whether a Tutor already has an account in EUCLID, and how to request one if they do not. Once the Tutor account has been set up, our guidance will help you to create their student attendance registers. If you need to request changes to an existing Tutor account, for example to upgrade it to a Personal Tutor or Supervisor account, see our page on making Changes to a Tutor account. Please go to our First Steps page for more help on getting you started with setting up an Attendance Tutor Account. This article was published on 2024-07-29