School Key Contacts

Information for school key contacts when navigating EERS

After allocation, examiners are notified that a draft report is awaiting completion.

As a school key contact you can also view reports and monitor and amend report deadlines.


Access and Navigation


How do I access the External Examiners Report System (EERS)?

You can access EERS via your MyEd account.

On the MyEd homepage, select 'Teaching and Research' from the menu bar to open a drop down menu. EERS should be visible in the rightmost column, under the 'Administration' heading, as the choice second from the bottom of the list.

Upon creation of a report, an e-mail is sent you, as the School Key Contact, containing a link leading directly to the EERS homepage. Access will require your University login (UUN).

How will Academic Response Co-ordinators and Readers be made aware that they have been allocated a report?

When a report is allocated by the School Key Contact, an e-mail containing a link to the EERS homepage is sent to the relevant Academic Response Co-ordinator and Readers. Access to this link will require your University log in (UUN).

How do I navigate the External Examiners Reporting System (EERS)?

The EERS homepage contains two lists: 'Reports Requiring Allocation' and 'Reports of Interest'. 'Reports Requiring Allocation' lists all of the reports within your school that need to be allocated to an Academic Response Co-ordinator. ‘Reports of Interest’ lists all of the reports that are approaching, or have passed, their submission deadline.

The second tab in the menu bar, ‘School Reports’, displays the status of the reports for your school that are currently in progress, or that have been responded to in the last 12 months.

The fourth tab in the menu bar, ‘Admin’, contains a drop-down menu in which you can view and edit School Contacts, School Coordinators, and School Readers. You can also view deadlines and ‘other contacts’.


Allocation and Editing


How do I add contacts to the School distribution list?

School Key Contacts can create and edit the School distribution list via the ‘School Admin’ tab in the menu bar. Staff who are required to read reports (Readers) can be alerted to the progress of reports as long as they are on this list.

To edit the distribution list, click the ‘School Admin’ tab and select ‘School Readers’ from the drop-down menu.  This will take you to the ‘Distribution Lists’ page where you will be able to add and remove users from the list of people from which you can choose Readers for your reports.

To add a Reader to the distribution list, type their name into the search box under ‘Person Search’ at the bottom of the page and click ‘Search’. The search results will display below the search box.

You can now associated Readers with Undergraduate reports, Postgraduate reports, or both as required by clicking the respective ‘Add’ buttons. You should see this addition reflected in the ‘School Distribution List’.

How to I edit the School distribution list?

You can change which reports are sent to which Readers, or remove a Reader entirely, from the ‘School Distribution List’. To change the reports that a Reader can receive, check or uncheck the ‘UG’ or ‘PG’ tick-boxes next to the Reader’s name as required. To remove a Reader from the list entirely, click the ‘Remove’ button.

These changes will not affect any distribution lists that have already been created.

How do I add Readers to the Report distribution list?

School Key Contacts can add and edit report distribution lists from the EERS homepage. Readers are alerted to the status of reports via e-mail so long as they are on the report distribution list, but must be added to the list before the Academic Response Co-ordinator to ensure that they are kept updated on the report’s status.

To update a report distribution list, start from the EERS homepage and click ‘Change’ next to the report that you wish to update. This will display the ‘Allocatable Reports’ screen. Next, click ‘add people using your School distribution list’ next to the appropriate report to display the ‘Report Distribution List’ screen.

To add a reader Reader to the list, tick the check-box next to their name and click ‘Save’. This will return you to the ‘Allocatable Reports’ screen where you will see that the distribution list has been updated with the new Reader.

How do I edit the readers on a report distribution list?

To edit or remove a Reader from a report distribution list, click the ‘Report Allocation’ in the menu bar to go to the ‘Allocatable Reports’ page. Next, click on the ‘edit this list’ link in the ‘Distribution List’ column of the row containing the report that you wish to amend the distribution list for.  This will display the ‘Report Distribution List’ screen.

To remove a Reader from the list, un-tick the checkbox next to their name to de-select them and click ‘Save’. You will be returned to the ‘Allocatable Reports’ screen where you should see that the ‘Distribution List’ column has been updated to reflect your changes.

How do I add to the list of Academic Response Coordinators for my School?

From the EERS homepage, click the ‘School Admin’ tab and select ‘School Coordinators’ from the drop-down menu. This will take you to the ‘School Academic Response Coordinators’ page.

To add an Academic Response Coordinator, click the ‘Add an Academic Response Coordinator’ button in the bottom right hand corner of the table. This will bring up the ‘Person Search’ box.

Type the name of the staff member that you wish to add as an Academic Response Coordinator into the search box and click ‘Search’ to retrieve the results, then click ‘Add as coordinator’ to update the list.

How do I allocate an Academic Response Coordinator to a report?

On the EERS homepage, you will see the ‘Reports Requiring Allocation’ table. This table has three columns: ‘Report Reference’, ‘Academic Response Coordinator’, and ‘Distribution List’.

To allocate an Academic Response Coordinator to a report, locate the report that you wish to allocate by finding its name in the ‘Report Reference’ column. If an Academic Response Coordinator has already been assigned to a report, their name will be listed in the ‘Academic Response Coordinator’ column. You can either confirm this allocation by clicking the ‘Confirm’ button, or change the Academic Response Coordinator by clicking the ‘Change’ button. This will lead you to the ‘Allocatable Reports’ screen.

To allocate a report, click the drop-down menu in the second column (Academic Response Coordinator) and select the name of the Coordinator that you wish to allocate the report to. Click ‘Confirm’ to save your choice.

You will now be able to see the name of the Coordinator that you allocated the report to listed as ‘Academic Response Coordinator’ in the ‘Contacts’ list of the ‘Report Details’ screen for this report, accessed by clicking on the report’s name in the ‘Report Reference’ column.

How do I remove an Academic Response Coordinator from my School’s list?

From the EERS homepage, click the ‘School Admin’ tab and select ‘School Coordinators’ from the drop-down menu. This will take you to the ‘School Academic Response Coordinators’ page.

Next, click ‘Remove’ in the ‘Options’ column of the row for the Coordinator that you wish to remove from the list. The changes you make will be saved automatically.


Viewing and Monitoring


How do I search for a report?

School Key Contacts can search for a report from any screen within EERS by using the yellow ‘Search’ field in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Please note that only reports completed and submitted by the External Examiner will be shown in the results.

The ‘Search’ field allows for basic searches to be performed using the ‘Report Reference’. To search, type, or copy and paste, the title of the ‘Report Reference’. This list is dynamic and will suggest results as you begin to type.

Each report has the following naming convention:


E.g: HSS_HCA_2018/9_UG_Smith

If you are having difficulty finding the report you need, you can try using the ‘Advanced Search’ function via the link directly below the ‘Search’ field. This will display a search screen on which you can return results without knowing the ‘Report Reference’; simply choose the relevant School, Academic Year, and Scheme, then click ‘Search’. If known, you can also choose the External Examiner and Academic Response Coordinator to further refine your results.

How do I view a report summary?

School Key Contacts can view reports from the EERS homepage. Reports are listed in two tables: ‘Reports Requiring Allocation’ and ‘Reports of Interest’. Reports can be viewed by clicking on the link in the ‘Report Reference’ column. This will take you to the ‘Report Details’ screen.

The ‘Report Details’ screen displays the report’s ‘Summary’ and ‘Timeline’. The ‘Coverage’ heading describes the areas being reported upon, and the ‘Contacts’ section lists the External Examiner, Key Contact, Academic Response Coordinator, and Payment Administrator allocated to the report.

How do I view a submitted report?

The details of a report which has already been submitted can be viewed within the ‘School Reports’ page.

From the EERS homepage, click ‘School Reports’ in the menu bar to navigate to the ‘My Reports’ page. This will display all reports within your School which have been allocated to an External Examiner.

The reports shown may have various statuses, such as ‘Allocation’, ‘Draft Response’, or ‘Draft Report’. You can identify those that have been submitted by the External Examiner by the ‘Draft Response’ status. You can also view the full details of the submitted report by clicking on the ‘View original report’ link in the ‘Options’ column of the relevant report.

The full report is displayed with the report title and summary at the top of the page and the External Examiner’s responses below.

How do I monitor reports?

School Key Contacts can use the EERS homepage and the ‘School Reports’ page to monitor reports.

The ‘Reports of Interest’ table, in the lower half of the homepage, displays a list of reports that are nearing or have passed their submission deadline. This will help alert the Key School Contact to any potential submission issues.

For a full overview of the status of all of your School’s reports, see the ‘School Reports’ page. This page lists all of your School’s reports by title and status and allows you to view the full report summary, or the full report response if it has been submitted by the External Examiner.  

How do I amend a report deadline?

School Key Contacts can amend a report deadline from within the EERS homepage. Reports that are nearing, or are passed, their submissions deadline are highlighted in the ‘Reports of Interest’ list, below the ‘Report Requiring Allocation’ table.

You can amend the deadline date for a report by clicking on the report’s title in the ‘Report Reference’ column of the ‘Reports of Interest’ list. This will display the ‘Report Details’ screen.

Click on the ‘Amend’ button in the ‘Report’ row of the ‘Timeline’ table, on the right hand side of the screen. This will display the ‘Amend Report Submission Deadline’ screen. To set a new date, either type the new deadline into the ‘New deadline’ field in the format dd/mm/yyyy, or choose a date by clicking the calendar icon. You will be required to supply a reason for amending the submission deadline. Once you have done so, click the ‘Save’ button to record your changes.

You should now be able to see the amended details in the ‘Reports of Interest’ list on the EERS homepage.