My applications documents tab

Guidance on the information and procedures regarding document uploads.

The 'Documents' tab displays the documents that are needed to support your application. The tab includes the following information:

  • Any yellow warning triangle indicates that you have not yet uploaded a document that is needed to support your application.
  • The type of document required and information on any specific requirements will be displayed.
  • Additional messages from admissions staff will be shown in red. If you are being asked for a document a second time, read the message in red to determine why your first document was not accepted.
  • If required, click the upload document button to start the process to upload your document.
  • Pending verification shows that you have uploaded a required document, but it has not yet been checked by the admissions office. Nothing further is required from you when a document is pending verification. Should anything else be required, you will be contacted by e-mail.
  • After you have uploaded a document, the name and date of the upload will appear. You can view the document by clicking on it. You will not be able to delete documents uploaded in error. Contact the admissions office if you have a document that needs to be deleted.
  • Uploaded and verified confirms that we have received and checked your document and no further action is required.
  • Once your document has been verified buy the admission office, you will no longer be able to upload to that document type and the upload document button will be deactivated.
  • The date the document was verified by the admissions office will appear under the upload document button.
My application document tab image top
My application document tab image bottom



Contact your Admissions Office if your question is related to:

  • The status of your application
  • Changes to your application or personal details
  • Information  to support your application

University of Edinburgh Admissions Offices


Contact Student Systems if you need help with a technical problem related to your application:   

Student Systems

Contact details


Contact Student Immigration if your question is related to the subjects below:

  • Amendments to your passport details
  • CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance for Study) 


Student Immigration Service