School Additional Sign Off

The School Additional Sign Off ensures the annual review is complete before submitting it for final sign off

The function of the School Additional Sign Off is to ensure that annual reviews are complete, for example all supporting documents have been uploaded, before they are sent to the Postgraduate Director for final approval.

Assigning the School Additional Sign Off

The School Additional Sign Off is an optional role assigned to annual reviews for a School or Programme.  The School's PGR administrators manage the allocation of the School Additional Sign Off in the EUCLID Annual Review Parameters.

Who can be the School Additional Sign Off?

The School Additional Sign Off can be an administrator or an academic user.

However, the School Additional Sign Off cannot hold a second role in the annual review.  For example, if you currently appear in the review as the School Additional Sign Off EUCLID will not permit you to be assigned to the student's supervision team.  The School's PGR team would be required to remove your details from the School Additional Sign Off section of the review before they could complete the supervision update in the student's record.

What can the School Additional Sign Off do?

As School Additional Sign Off you can view reviews to ensure they are complete before submitting them to the Postgraduate Director for final sign off.

You cannot upload documents or make any amendments to the student or supervisor sections of the review.  You would be able, however, to return the review to the Principal Supervisor if it requires further action.

How to find reviews assigned to the School Additional Sign Off

As School Additional Sign Off, you will be sent an email when an annual review has been submitted to you.

You can also open the annual review from the EUCLID Student Hub.

  • In EUCLID Students, click 'Search for students | Student Hub
  • Enter the student's UUN at 'Name/UUN' and select 'Search'
  • The student's record will open.
  • Select 'Assessment' from the menu on the left.
  • Click 'Open Review'
  • When the review is at the School Additional Sign Off stage, two buttons will display at the bottom of the screen: 'Return to principal supervisor' and 'Approve and submit'.

Returning the review to the Principal Supervisor

On clicking 'Return to principal supervisor', you will be asked to add a comment explaining why the review has been returned.

Approving the review for final sign off

On clicking 'Approve and submit', you will be invited to add a comment before submitting the review to the Postgraduate Director for final approval.

School Additional Sign Off