Instructional videos (administrative limited)

Guidance in the form of instructional videos on the direct admission software available for professional services staff with the limited edit role.


The Administration Limited role within PG Admissions is assigned to staff at school or college level. It enables staff to retrieve, navigate and view applications. Unlike the professional services role, staff with are restricted to the uploading documents facility.


For help using the channel, watch our instructional videos via the links below or contact our team for additional support.



Watch our videos

These videos show how our software works, with text guidance. They have no sound.

To view in full screen click the video title (top left hand corner) and watch direct from youtube with all the youtube functionality available.

Please note that our videos will not display in Google Chrome due to a bug, but can be viewed in other browsers.

To receive this information in an alternative format, contact our team.

Student Systems

Work: +44 (0)131 651 4000






Printing Applications

Supporting Documents

Intray Messages

Application Screening and Scoring

Related links

Postgraduate Admissions FAQs about screening applications within EUCLID

Postgraduate Admissions FAQs about sending or a recommendation, decision making and requesting addtional applicant information