Resetting the progression status

You can reset the status of the progression records if the status has been changed to "Ready for board", or "Ratified".

The status of the progression record will either be:

  • Blank (if no actions have been taken)
  • Calculated
  • Ready for board
  • Ratified
  • Published
  • Edited (if you have edited the progression or award information)

If the status has already been changed to "Ready for board" or "Ratified", you can reset this status and it will revert to either "Calculated" or "Edited". The status will go to Calculated if no manual edits have been made to the record, otherwise it will change to Edited. 

You cannot reset the status if the status is Calculated, Edited or Published. If you try the system will produce an error saying the status cannot be reset for the student(s).

Process Summary

There are two ways you can reset the status of progression records:

  • From the main student list screen - this allows you to select one or more students and reset the status for them all at once. 
  • From an individual progression record - this completes the action for that single student only.
From the student list screen:
  1. Select all or specific students you want to reset the status for
  2. Click Reset status under the Change Status section on the right side of the page.
From an individual progression record
  1. Click the Edit button on the end of the student's progression line (this button is to the right of the Status column)  
  2. Click Reset status under the Change Status section on the right side of the page.

Full process with screenshots

If you need a bit more guidance you'll find step by step instructions with screenshots included on the document below.  

If you want to return to this page after viewing the guidance, please click your browser's back button. 
