Managing thesis submission Examiners

View guidance on attaching examiners to 'PGR thesis submissions' within the 'PGR Thesis workflow' EUCLID software.

You can manage Examiners within the 'Programme' tab of the Student Hub.

Examiner section

Select 'Edit' to add or update Examiners.


Add examiner screen

You can add an internal or external examiner within this screen.

Start typing and select the appropriate staff member, then click ‘Add’.

Note: If you cannot find the Internal Examiner you’re looking for a support call to Student Systems will need to be raised to add this person to EUCLID. Please include person name, title, School, email address and Staff ID.


Once you have selected the appropriate Examiner you can then select what Examiner 'Type' this staff member will be.

select examiner type

External Examiners can be searched for in the same way.

search already existing examiners

If the examiner does not exist, you can add a new examiner.

Complete all details and select 'Submit'.


fields for adding examiner

Once you save the details of the new External Examiner, you will recieve a 'success' message at the top of the 'Maintain External Examiners' screen.

confirmation and search option for examiners


You can also access the 'Maintain External Examiners' from the ‘Postgraduate Lifecycle’ container within the EUCLID 'Students' page.

maintain examiners link

Once the examiner has been added, you can now add them to the student record. They will always have a type of ‘PGR Student External Examiner’.

When all have been selected, press ‘Save’ at the bottom to update the student record.

details for adding examiner to student

You can then view the Examiners attached within the 'Programme' tab of the Student Hub.

view examiners attached via hub


On assigning the examiners you can return to the 'Thesis submission attempt' to ensure these have been recorded against the submission.


examiners recorded against the submission view


Once you completed managing the Examiner, you can proceed to the 'Pre-Viva' stages available within the EUCLID IT tools.

Pre Viva stage guidance


Student Records

Contact details