Student funding recording

Use the EUCLID Student Funding Recording Tool to record and maintain funding you administer within the University.
Read the following sections for guidance in the use of the tool.

Apply for access to record funding via an email request.

A guide to funding being recorded within the University.

We recommend the use of either the Chrome or Firefox web browsers when accessing the recording tool. Access to the recording tool is via a student record.

Every College, School, Deanery and Centre may allocate a Funding Package to a Student, this is the overarching high level name given to the funding being awarded to the Student.

Adding/amending component details within a Funding Package.

Within a Funding Package we record the funding detail, components of the package.

Component details, some of which are mandatory, explained in more detail.

Once components for the first year of funding have been added you can then copy any /all of these to any/all subsequent funding year.

To remove funding details from a funding package.

This provides you with the ability to access all of the current funding recorded under a specific funding package, having recorded funding for individual students first.

A subfund, title given to the scheme and/or fund supplying the funds being allocated by College, School, Deanery or Centre/Institute to a student.

Selecting the Summary of Award button will display the details of any authorised funding components recorded within the package.

Upload an Award letter associated with funding being allocated to a Student.

A full list of funding component types that are available within the Funding Recording tool.

A complete list of Funding Packages supported within the recording system.

Funding details are presented to the student in self-service.