Convert to unstructured programme

View guidance on converting your EUCLID Degree Programme Table (DPT) to an unstructured format, more suited to the delivery of your programme. To be utilised for DPTs with courses that can be studied beyond a semester or year structure, for example postgraduate taught intermittent programmes and some PhDs.


If your DPT is delivered in an 'unstructured' format you will need to click on the 'Convert to unstructured programme' button beforehand to merge the years into the correct format.

This applies to programmes such as the postgraduate taught intermittent programmes and some PhD where it may be the case that some course need to be taken in a set semester or year, but some courses can be achieved outwith a semester or year structure.

As a DPT​ Editor you should be mindful of the following Key points regarding  the conversion of stuctured DPT​ to unstructured DPT​:

  1. Defining a programme as ‘unstructured’ is designed to speed up the editing of DPTs
  2. Convert a DPT to ‘Unstructured’ if students have the same choice every year. 
  3. You cannot have compulsory courses in an unstructured programme (because they would be duplicated each year).  Enhancements to tool so that this is prevented
  4. ‘Behind the scenes’ there are DPTs created for each year so that the DPT validated route will show the same course choices each year
  5. The DRPS will show a single DPT for an unstructured programme (i.e. not 4 DPTs if a 4 year course).
  6. If a programme is ‘almost unstructured’ e.g. you should take one course before another then it might be worth including this in the DPT notes rather than having repeated DPTs for each year.

Coverting to unstructured

You can convert your programme once you have retrieved your DPT via the 'Amend DPTs' link within EUCLID.

Image of amend dpt unstructure convert button

Click on the 'Convert to unstructured programme' button.

This will display the 'Convert' screen.

Image of amend dpt unstructure convert screen blank

Select the DPT delivery that you want to convert.

Click on the 'Convert programme' button.

This will convert your programmes and display the 'Edit unstructured DPT' screen to allow you to amend the newly converted DPT.

Image of amend dpt unstructure convert edit screen

Click on the 'Saved changes' button when you have complete amending your unstructured DPTs.

Related pages


Open and closing DPTs

Create DPTs

Key points


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