Notes, comments and confidentiality

Read our guidance on adding, editing and deleting notes and comments to a student record, inserting standard text and marking details as confidential.

Student support staff are encouraged to make as much use as possible of the Meeting & Notes provision within EUCLID for taught students.

Many support teams within Schools and Deaneries also keep a local case management system which can include a continuous care record of meetings with the student. If this exists in your department, it is important to ensure that you are using it.

Some students may not wish to discuss private matters in what they perceive to be a formal discussion. Discussions with their Student Adviser, Wellbeing Service, and Student Support Team provide the opportunity to educate students about the purposes of the EUCLID record and how the School uses that information.

Note: For postgraduate research students, the Engagement Tab within EUCLID is the only available place to record notes or meeting details (date, venue, the reason for the meeting, action points, etc.). In the event of the student asking not to store their meeting notes in EUCLID, you must record and manage meeting notes in the local school recording system.

How student support staff can add a note to a student's record.

How student support staff can add a comment to a meeting or note on a student record.

Guidance on recording a meeting, note or comment as confidential.

What to do if your student requests that you not disclose a confidential matter with anyone.

How student support staff can delete a meeting, note, or comment on a student's record.

How student support staff can add a note to a group of students.