Use our software to enrol students onto courses using the DPT validated or non-validated routes. Academic and nominated administrative staff will be able to view and maintain student course enrolments using the Assessment tab in the Student Hub. To enrol a student, select the Edit button located just above the list of current course enrolments. Image Course enrolments can be edited in the Student Hub's Assessment tab by clicking the 'Edit' button If the student is in year two or above of their programme of study, you will be prompted to select the academic year that you want to edit enrolments for. Choose the current academic year; you will then be presented with a table entitled 'Programme for a Student', below. From this page, you will be able to:View the Published DPT for a student’s Programme of Study by clicking the programme's name, as indicated belowView the student’s Course Enrolment StatusSubmit Course Enrolments validated by the DPT rulesEdit Course Enrolments without DPT validationView the Student’s Timetable, either using the 'Semester 1' and 'Semester 2' links or via the 'Web Timetable' link indicated below Image The Programme for a Student screen allows you to choose to add enrolments validated by the student's DPT, or to take the non-validated route. In some cases, it is necessary to generate the student's enrolments before amendments can be made. This is a required step if the programme's DPT is not set up to seed compulsory courses automatically or if seeding has not taken place for this student. If the student's enrolments need to be generated, a message will be displayed in the 'Course Enrolment (validated by DPT rules)' column and a 'Generate Enrolments' link will show under 'Course Enrolment Status'. Image Enrolments may need to be generated before elective courses can be added. Clicking the 'Generate course enrolment' link will enrol the student in any courses listed as compulsory in the DPT for their programme of study and prepare the background records needed to enable their enrolment in elective courses. You will now be able to enrol the student in their chosen elective courses using either the 'DPT Validated Enrolment' route, or the 'Edit Course Enrolments' option. Expand allCollapse all DPT Validated Course EnrolmentThis option allows you to choose elective courses from the course collections specified by the student's DPT. Note: If the student is in year two or above of their studies, you will be asked to choose which year you wish to edit enrolments for. You should choose the current academic year. Choosing the 'DPT Validated Course Enrolment' option will display the course registration screen (this is currently titled 'Module Registration'; 'Module' should be read as 'Course' until this is updated). The registration screen shows:Details of the student's programme of studyAny compulsory courses the student is enrolled inLists of courses, grouped by course collection, available as elective options in the programme's DPTThe elective courses chosen from those available on the DPTOnly courses available as part of the block (course collection) the user is currently choosing fromThe total number of course credits currently selected. If the 'Selections from current block' (5) is chosen, this table will also show the maximum and minimum number of credits that can be chosen from the current block Image The Module Registration screen in EUCLID's Student Hub Course selections can be made using the blocks (3) in the lower left-hand corner of the screen. These blocks are sourced directly from the programme's DPT; they can contain a single course collection, or multiple, and will display the details of the number of credits that must be chosen from their contents as well as the number of credits that must be chosen from each collection within the selected block. Clicking the 'View List' button for a course collection will display its contents. Courses can be selected by clicking the 'Add' button. This will add the course to the list of 'Selected Modules' (4) and update the total number of credits selected in (4) and (6). Courses can be removed from your selection by clicking the trash icon on the right-hand side of the 'Selected Modules' table. Image Choosing an elective course using the DPT Validated Enrolment screen Each course collection also contains a search function. This tool is useful if you are looking for a specific course, or if the course collection you are choosing from is especially large. To access the search, click the 'Search' container, just below the show/hide list button, within the block that you want to search. The default search is a simple search bar, but it is also possible to use additional criteria such as period, tutor, or level to refine your search by clicking the 'show advanced' link next to the search bar. Image Each course block contains a search bar with both a basic and advanced search option In some scenarios, clicking the 'Add' button will trigger a warning message. This will occur if there are prerequisites to enrolment on the chosen course, the chosen course has reached its enrolment quota, or if selecting this course will cause the total number of credits selected to exceed that specified by the DPT rules. You will need to take the action recommended by the pop-up to proceed with your course selections.Once you have selected all of the courses you require, click the 'Submit Selections' button to proceed. You will be presented with a list of all of the student's enrolments, both compulsory and newly selected electives, and prompted to either confirm the selection and add the enrolments or to 'Undo Last Change'. The latter option will return you to the course selection screen and allow you to make changes to your selection of courses. Image The confirmation screen for courses chosen through DPT Validated Enrolment Clicking 'Submit Selections' will display a confirmation screen listing the student's enrolments. Clicking the 'Close' button will return you to the 'Programme for a Student' screen which, once refreshed, will show the 'Course Selection Confirmed' message under 'Course Enrolment Status'. Clicking the 'DPT Validated Enrolment' link again will return you to the list of confirmed course selections; clicking the 'Edit Course Enrolments' link will allow you to add and remove enrolments from the student's record. Image The Programme for a Student screen now shows that the course selection has been confirmed Edit Course EnrolmentsThe 'Edit Course Enrolments' page shows a list of all of the courses, compulsory and elective, that the student is enrolled in for the selected academic year. From this page, you can add new course enrolments, cancel or withdraw existing enrolments, or change the mode of study for a course enrolment. Image The 'Edit Course Enrolment' screen displays a list of the student's enrolments for the chosen academic year To enrol the student in a new course, click the 'Add Course' button at the bottom of the screen. You will then be able to search for a course, by name or course code, to be added to the student's record. You can choose to add a compulsory or optional course, select the year of study, and indicate whether the enrolment is a core course or not. Image To add a course, search for it by name or course code Once you have selected a course, you will be prompted to choose from its available instances from the academic year. Image You can choose which instance of a course to add the student to Once you have chosen an available instance, click 'Add' to create the enrolment.To cancel a course enrolment, or withdraw the student from the course, simply click the radio button for the relevant course and click the 'Cancel/Withdraw Course' button.To change the student's mode of study for a given course, click the radio button for the relevant course and click the 'Change Mode of Study' button. You will be prompted to choose from a list of available modes of study. Choose the new mode of study and confirm to make the change. Information about Course Mode of Study is available on our Course Enrolment Glossary.Course Enrolment GlossaryOnce you have made your changes, click 'Close' to return to the 'Programme for a Student' screen. This article was published on 2024-07-29