Other admissions

Use our other admissions software to enter applications into EUCLID from applicants who are unable to apply to Edinburgh directly through the Degree finders or UCAS.

Applicants categorised as ‘other’ can include:

  • those applying to intercalated or collaborative programmes (for which Edinburgh is not the admitting institution)
  • part-time undergraduates
  • visiting postgraduates and Medical & Veterinary elective students
  • those applying to PhD by publication or higher degrees (for example DLitt or DSc)


Applicants must be accepted outside EUCLID before you enter their application.

Once an unconditional offer has been accepted and the application has been entered, a student record will be created six weeks before the student’s start date.


For help using the software, refer to our comprehensive user guides, below, or contact our team for additional support.

Other admissions user guides

Where to add an application

Enter a PG application

Enter a UG application

Enter a visiting student application

Confirm a submitted application

See a sample email of a submission acknowledgement

See a sample applicant view in My Applications

Enter an application after submission

Student Systems support

Contact our team for additional support.

Student Systems

Contact details