View and print applications

View guidance on reviewing and printing application within Mobility Online.


Click on ‘Print application for internal use’ to view all your applications: 

Image of mobility print applications screen

You will see a list of all applications which students have submitted for your School.

Note that applications for subject areas for which you are not responsible within your School may also be visible – these will have a red line through them so you will not be able to access them.   You can re-order the list so that applications for your exchanges are grouped together by using the arrow icons by the ‘Study field’ heading. 

View applications

To view a student’s online application, simply click on each student’s name.  You can scroll up and down to see the full application.

Image of mobility view applications screen

Once you have viewed the application, return to the approval page, by clicking ‘cancel’ at the bottom of the screen.

Print applications

Image of application print screen

Reference links

Approve applications

Go Abroad team Student Exchanges

Edinburgh University - study abroad in Edinburgh

Help and support

For help and support using the 'Mobility Online' software, please contact us on the email details below, or on extension. 514000 if your query is urgent.

Student Systems

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