How annual reviews are scheduled

Annual reviews are scheduled automatically where the student's programme requires an annual review

New students

  • New PGR students' annual reviews are scheduled when their records move from the Admissions to Student area of EUCLID.
  • Following scheduling, annual reviews will open in EUCLID eight months after a new student's programme start date.
  • For example, annual reviews for students starting on 1 September will be scheduled to open on 1 May in each year of their programme.


Continuing students

  • Annual reviews for continuing PGR students are scheduled during EUCLID's annual academic rollover which takes place in July each year.
  • Academic rollover is the process where the student record system is 'rolled' into the next academic session.
  • PGR programmes with start dates or anniversary dates at other times of the year are also subject to a monthly academic rollover.
  • Annual reviews will open eight months after the programme anniversary date for continuing students.


Before the annual review is scheduled

PGR administrators should ensure that the annual review parameters and students' supervisor records for their programme are up to date before annual reviews open on the scheduled date.


Need to change a scheduled review?

Most annual reviews will proceed as scheduled, however there may be occasions when it becomes necessary to open a review manually.