Equality impact assessment for the registration application. A. Policy/Practice (name or brief description): Registration application. This would enable all University of Edinburgh students to complete their annual registration as part of the matriculation process. This application for all students replaces the existing online registration application which was previously used for new students only. The new process is also in EUCLID the University student records system and on line. Main changes: New data capture requirements for supporting students and their wellbeing Enhanced navigation and online help using government design patterns It is now available on all mobile devices Enhanced accessibility B. Reason for Equality Impact Asessment (Mark yes against the applicable reason): Proposed new policy/practice Proposed change to an existing policy/practice YES Undertaking a review of an existing policy/practice Other (please state): C. Person responsible for the policy area or practice: Name: Brandi Headon Job title: Head of Student Record Operations School/service/unit: Student Systems and Administration, University Secretaries Group, University of Edinburgh D. An Impact Assessment should be carried out if any if the following apply to the policy/practice, if it: affects primary or high level functions of the University Yes is relevant to the promotion of equality (in terms of the Public Sector Equality Duty ‘needs’ as set out in the Policy and Guidance)?Yes It is one which interested parties could reasonably expect the University to have carried out an EqIA? Yes E. Equality Groups To which equality groups is the policy/practice relevant and why? (add notes against the following applicable equality group/s) Age Disability – race (including ethnicity and nationality) - religion or belief sex sexual orientation gender reassignment pregnancy and maternity marriage or civil partnership[1] As the online registration needs to be completed by all students it has the potential to impact all nine protected characteristics. However, we feel that the protected characteristics of disability and race are most likely to have the potential to experience the greatest impact. With regards to disability the system has been tested for accessibility by the Information Services Disability Information Officer (see details below). There is also the potential for the system to impact on Race as the form is only available in English however we do not believe this will lead to any disadvantage as English is the main teaching language of the University and students can use browser functionality to translate content. We are aware that some countries such as China and Russia may block access to some webpages but we do not believe these pages would be blocked. If it became apparent that they were being blocked then we would ensure students from these Countries were not placed at a disadvantage by allowing them to complete the registration process in another manner. Should it be required, students can request and fill in a paper copy of the form allowing student systems staff to input their data online. Students could also liaise with student systems staff to complete the registration over the phone. If a student is in the process of undergoing gender reassignment, they will be able to update their details at any point on request. The fact the online process is now available on mobile devices may have a positive impact on individuals with certain disabilities, those with caring or parental responsibilities or those who observe times of specific religious observance as the mobile functionality will enable greater flexibility over when and where they can complete the form. As part of the registration process students will be asked for their date of birth, address, race, gender, if they consider themselves disabled and next of kin. Reasons the University is asking for those questions are mentioned in the webpages. Online help is also available to users on all the pages. All staff dealing with this information will complete the Unconscious Bias online course so they are aware of any bias that may affect their decision making. Students are able to select from a range of genders including non-binary and the option “prefer not to say”. This information provided by students will be kept confidential in line with the University and UK data protection polices and legislation. Add notes against the following applicable statements: On any available information about the needs of relevant equality groups The Information Services Disability Information Officer tested the application for accessibility in line with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 AA standards including compatibility with Assistive technology. In line with The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 an accessibility statement has been added to the application and is available from each page of the application. We have also discussed the project and the EqIA with the Student Disability Service. The Registration application was tested for ease-of-use and easy understanding of instructions by focus groups with a wide range of individuals who will have included a range of ages, genders, race etc. Outcomes of their usability tests indicated that the definitions and instructions provided within the application were helpful and allowed them to easily complete the application. Any gaps in evidence/insufficient information to properly assess the policy, and how this be will be addressed: We feel at this stage we have sufficient evidence to proceed. If application of this policy/practice leads to discrimination (direct or indirect), harassment, victimisation, less favourable treatment for particular equality groups: We do not believe this application will lead to any form of prohibited conduct for the reasons detailed above and below. If a student were unable to use the system and we were unable to rectify this immediately, reasonable adjustments would be put in place to ensure the user experiences no disadvantage. These might include (as done for other Euclid forms) things like paper copy of the form allowing student systems staff to input the data online. Students could also liaise with student systems to complete the registration over the phone if required. If the policy/practice contributes to advancing equality of opportunity[2] : The new online registration form is more accessible for disabled users than the previous version including increased compatibility with assistive technology and is compatible with mobile devices which is likely to enhance equality of opportunity for disabled students. Also, the ability to complete the form online may enhance equality of opportunity for those with parental/caring responsibilities and those who adhere to times of specific religious observance. If there is an opportunity in applying this policy/practice to foster good relations We hope that the fact that we have considered the impact on all the protected characteristics through consultation and this EqIA shows the commitment EDINA and the University has to Equality and Diversity and it is hoped this will foster good relations. In addition, we have developed this application to be more accessible to several protected characteristics and in particular more accessible to disabled users which we hope will contribute to fostering good relations. If the policy/practice create any barriers for any other groups? There is the possibility that students from lower incomes may experience a disadvantage as they may not have access to IT facilities. Normally IT facilities can be accessed free of charge in places such as Libraries in the UK and similar provision is provided in other Countries, However, given the current situation with COVID these resources may not be available. Those needing to register who do not have access to IT facilities will be able to complete a paper copy. How the communication of the policy/practice is made accessible to all groups, if relevant? All students requiring to matriculate to continue their studies in their programmes are emailed inviting them to register with a web link to the Registration application. The communication sent to students is via email, similar to all other university communications, and should be accessible to assistive technologies depending on the email platforms being used. Information about the application is available online on the EdWeb University pages. These pages should adhere to the University Web Accessibility Policy which is based on the Web Content Guidelines 2.1 AA standard Information about the application including information on reasonable adjustments will be made available in alternative formats free of charge upon request. How equality groups or communities are involved in the development, review and/or monitoring of the policy or practice? The Disability Information Officer of the University of Edinburgh has reviewed and tested the Registration application for its accessibility. She has also reviewed the Accessibility Statement that has been published on all pages of the application. We will also continue to liaise with the Student Disability Service and other stakeholders as required. The application was tested for ease-of-use by users from across the various protected characteristics. We will continue to monitor all feedback for any comments positive or negative related to any of the nine protected characteristics and act accordingly and where appropriate seek advice from various equality groups. Any potential or actual impact of applying the policy or practice, with regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality and promote good relations: Nothing other than that stated above F. Equality Impact Assessment Outcome Select one of the four options below to indicate how the development/review of the policy/practice will be progressed and state the rationale for the decision Option 1: No change required – the assessment is that the policy/practice is/will be robust. For the reasons detailed above. G. Action and Monitoring Specify the actions required for implementing findings of this EqIA and how the policy or practice will be monitored in relation to its equality impact (or note where this is specified above). – remind staff of the need to make reasonable adjustments and to provide information in alternative formats free of charge upon request for disabled users. – monitor all feedback for any comments positive or negative related to any of the nine protected characteristics and act accordingly. When will the policy/practice next be reviewed? This Equality Impact Assessment will be reviewed by June 2023 or when there are significant changes made to the application or when we receive feedback positive or negative related to any of the nine protected characteristics. H. Publication of EqIA Can this EqIA be published in full, now? YES If No – please specify when it may be published or indicate restrictions that apply: I. Sign-off EqIA undertaken by (name(s) and job title(s)): Akshi Kakar, Business Analyst, Student Systems Partnership, University of Edinburgh Accepted by (name): Brandi Headon, Student Records Manager, Student Systems, University Secretaries Group, University of Edinburgh [This will normally be the person responsible for the policy/practice named above. If not, specify job-title/role.] Date: 02/09/20 [1] Note: only the duty to eliminate discrimination applies to marriage and civil partnership. There is no need to have regard to advancing equality or opportunity or fostering good relations in this respect. [2] This question does not apply to the protected characteristic of marriage or civil partnership This article was published on 2024-07-29