Can I withdraw a candidate via EUCLID?

UCAS/GTTR frequently asked question:

Provided the applicant status isn't rejected you can.

To do this within  the 'View/Process Applications' screen, follow the actions below:

  1. retrieve the applicant,
  2. go to the 'Decision' button
  3. tick the 'Withdrawn' checkbox
  4. change the 'Process status' to 'FWD' 
  5. make sure the two offer boxes and the offer note box are blank
  6. in the first offer box type the code from the offer library that describes the reason for withdrawal. A list of these codes and descriptions can be seen below:
  • W1 = Withdrawn at own request
  • W2 = Withdrawn - Did not attend interview
  • W3 = Withdrawn - Did not reply to letter
  • W4 = Withdrawn - Course not available        

Related links

General FAQs about access, retrieval and navigation within EUCLID

Undergraduate Admissions FAQs for EUCLID