Our returns

We manage several major statutory returns on behalf of the University, including the HESA Student Return, the Key Information Set and the Aggregate Offshore return.

We also support colleagues in other teams to produce a number of other returns, including:

  • Scottish Funding Council returns
  • Teaching Load
  • the DLHE
  • TRAC(T) returns

Integral to funding

Statutory returns are key to the University obtaining funding from the government.

HESA Student Return

The annual HESA Student Return features more than three million data items from some 37,000 students, and provides the population for the University’s annual National Student Survey and the DLHE

The data is also used in external league tables and performance indices, and is quoted widely in the media.

Aggregate Offshore Return

The Aggregate Offshore Return reports numbers of students by country and level of study who have studied wholly outside the UK.

These are mainly online distance learning students who reside abroad.

We are currently returning more than 1,400 students from 125 countries.

Key Information Set

The Key Information Set (KIS) is published via Unistats annually and with in-year revisions. 

It provides a standard set of data about our programmes which is aimed at potential applicants, parents and the general public to allow them to compare and contrast programmes across institutions. 

The data presented includes teaching, learning and assessment data, student satisfaction data from the National Student Survey, destinations and salaries data from the DLHE, accommodation costs and accreditation information.

Find out more

Julie Gifford

Statutory Returns manager

Contact details

For more information, contact Juilie Gifford, Curricula & Statutory Returns Manager.

Related links

Visit the HESA website

Visit the Unistats website