How the annual review works for students Your annual review will open 8 months after your programme start date. Alternatively, your School may decide to start the annual review on a different date. You will be notified by email when it is time for you to complete your annual review. The email will contain a link directing you to the annual review form. The form will contain a series of questions and a section for you to upload documents if required. After you complete your part of the review and submit it, it will be sent to your principal supervisor. Your principal supervisor will complete their part and send it to your additional supervisors. Once all of the supervisors have completed their parts the review will return to you. You'll have an opportunity to read your supervisors' comments before you sign it off. The review will then move onto the 'Additional School Sign Off' if one has been appointed by the School. They will check the review is complete, for example no supporting documents have been missed. The annual review will be sent to the Postgraduate Director for final sign off. An annual review will be created for each year of programme until thesis submission. Annual Review Form Workflow image Annual Review Form Questions This article was published on 2024-07-29