Details the information captured via CCAM and gives detailed advice about each. The following page details the information captured via CCAM and gives detailed advice about each. The list appears in the same order as it would when proposing a new course in EUCLID. Items of data that are mandatory for a new course proposal have been identified and can be easily found by using the links below to jump to a particular field for advice. ALL FIELDS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED MANDATORY. The fields marked with * must be competed to allow submission of a proposal. Course Name* Fee Code if invoiced at course level Normal Year Taken* Default Course Mode of Study* Course Level (UG/PG)* Default Delivery Period* Visiting Student Availability* Marking Scheme* SCQF Credits* Taught in Gaidhlig* Credit Level (SCQF)* Course Type* Home Subject Area* Learning Outcomes* Other Subject Area Special Arrangements Course Organiser Components of Assessment* Course Secretary Exam Information % Not Taught By This Institution Course Description Collaboration Information Graduate Attributes and Skills Total Contact Teaching Hours* Study Abroad Any Costs Met By The Student Reading List/ Learning Resource Pre-Requisites Convenor of Board of Examiners Co-Requisites Display in Visiting Student Prospectus Prohibited Combinations Course URL Visiting Student Pre-Requisites URL for Additional Supporting Documents Short Description* Comments (Internal Use Only) Keywords High Demand Changes to an Approved Course that Result in Creation and Approval of a New Course Within the student record database, certain changes applied to an existing course would affect the students currently and previously enrolled on it and therefore what appears on their record and on their transcript. It is therefore essential that existing data on existing courses can only be amended where the change will not affect this. Both major and minor changes to existing courses require consideration by a School Board of Studies in the first instance, and potentially additional committees dependent on College processes, if they are compliant with the curriculum framework/academic year, and if there are wider implications. For more details on the University’s course processes, including the minimum levels of approval, please see the Programme and Course Approval and Management Policy. Major Changes The categories outlined below are regarded as major change not because they are more important but because they potentially impact on students and other interdependent processes. a. The name of the course* b. The level of the course* c. The credit value* d. The aims of the course e. The learning outcomes f. The ratio of assessment types g. Home Subject Area* *will result in a new course being created (with a new course code) Where other changes are made to course content (e.g. outline syllabus and course topics) these are regarded as minor changes. All other categories (e.g. change of course organiser, learning resources, reading lists, core reading) can be routinely refreshed in accordance with normal School procedures and discipline practices. Course Name* Enter a course name that is sufficiently descriptive and unique (max 120 characters). It is important that the course title reflects the nature of the course as far as is possible and that generic titles such as ‘Dissertation’ be avoided. In this example ‘Dissertation’ should be contextualised and extended to reflect the subject and/or programme – e.g. Dissertation: Architectural History The course name recorded here will appear in the Degree Regulations and Programme Specification (DRPS), Course Catalogue, Degree Programme Tables and on student transcripts. Note: Any change made to the Course Name other than to correct spelling or syntax is considered a 'major change' and would require a new course to be proposed and approved. If a minor correction to the course name is required please contact to make a request. Summary Course Description* A succinct description of the course providing students with the course aims, outline topics and content and an indication of what makes the course interesting and its relationship to the discipline and/or wider subject and context. For SCQF Level 7 and 8 courses that are available as electives (and/or outside courses), the summary course description should be clearly understandable to non-specialist students since it may be the first time the subject has been studied. Note: this summary description statement may be used in promotional material for current and prospective students. Course Description* The main body of the course description should ideally cover a number of elements; 1) Academic Description Building on the summary description, a more in-depth, academic description of the learning aims, nature and context of the course. 2) Outline Content A more detailed outline content or syllabus (where this is convention within the discipline). N.B. it is advisable not to be overly prescriptive such as indicating in which weeks of the semester certain topics will be taught in the course descriptor since this is likely to change annually. This level of detail should be articulated in the course handbook if/as required. 3) Student Learning Experience A narrative description of how the course will be taught, how students are expected to engage with their learning and how they will be expected to evidence and demonstrate their achievement of the intended learning outcomes. Course Level Availability (UG/PG)* Identify if the course is available to either or both Postgraduate or Undergraduate students. For example the Course Level is SCQF 10 (Undergraduate in Level) but available to both UG and PG students or conversely the Course Level is SCQF 11 (Postgraduate in Level) but only available to Integrated Masters UG students. Keywords Keywords are referenced when performing a search on the course catalogue and consideration should be given to including a comprehensive set of keywords for your course. They provide an opportunity to record key search words relating to the course that are not otherwise contained within the course name or course description. Words should be entered in free text, separated by a comma. Total Contact Teaching Hours The total contact teaching hours for a course should be recorded. This will be the sum of all scheduled lectures, tutorials, seminars, workshops, laboratories, visits, etc. where the student is required to be in attendance to undertake and participate in the course. Please note where a one-hour slot results in actual contact teaching of 50 minutes, this will be counted as one hour for the purposes of calculating the total contact teaching hours. Similarly, a two-hour slot where actual teaching is 1hr 50 min's will be counted as two hours. Graduate Attributes and Skills This field should be used to describe the contribution made to the development of personal and professional attributes and skills as a result of studying the course - i.e. the generic and transferable skills beyond the subject of study itself. Reference in particular should be made to the University’s Graduate Attributes, bearing in mind the developmental levels of the SCQF Guidance and support is available at Reading List / Learning Resources The new descriptor template will enable you to choose between using the traditional Reading List heading where you wish only key reading to be identified or, where a variety of learning resources are being used, select Learning Resources. A reading list can still be accommodated under this second heading. Did you know that the Library provides the Resource Lists@ Edinburgh service (using Talis Aspire) which enables course organisers to create and manage online reading lists? Using the service provides the Library with greater visibility of core reading materials and helps inform purchasing decisions. Find out more about the service. Learning Outcomes* Learning outcomes should be the clear articulation of the specific intentions of the course. They describe what students are expected to know, understand and be able to do upon the successful completion of the course. There should be a clear relationship and alignment of learning outcomes and the design of assessment to enable students to demonstrate and evidence what learning has been achieved in order to successfully complete and pass the course. The Learning Outcomes (LOs) for the course should address one or more of the characteristics of learning outlined in the principles of the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) at the appropriate SCQF Level. SCQF Five Characteristics of Learning; Knowledge and Understanding Practice: Applied Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Generic Cognitive Skills Communication, ICT and Numeracy Skills Autonomy, Accountability and Working with others Individual courses are not expected to address all of the characteristics of learning in isolation from the overarching programme of study to which the course belongs or is aligned. There is an expectation however that students will engage with and gain experience in all five characteristics of learning within each year and level of their studies. The new course descriptor template requires the learning outcomes to be written as clearly defined, numbered separate statements and each course can have a maximum of five learning outcomes. It is important to note that setting the number of learning outcomes to a maximum of five for each course does not in anyway restrict the numbers of learning objectives or discreet components of assessment which may be required for the student to demonstrate that they have met the overarching learning outcome(s). This level of detail should be described in the course handbook along with the amount, types and schedule of assessments. SCQF Level Descriptors - Components of Assessment* The key information required for the course descriptor is the balance of assessment types and their weighting (where used) to arrive at the final course mark/grade – e.g. 50% Coursework and 50% Examination. Where a known pattern of activity is normal for the discipline and this course - e.g. weekly lab assignments with regular ‘hand-ins’ this should also be included. If known and fixed, the amount of coursework assignments and length of examinations can also be entered. The specific detail and schedule of all assessment requirements should be contained within the course handbook and should be available to all students no later than at the outset of the course. Exam Information NB Exam Information will be captured in a structured format at the Course Instance level following approval. See Add Exam Information The Exam Information field should be used to record the level of detail required to gain course approval: Summative Exams Diet e.g. 1st Sit, 2nd Sit (resit) Diet Month e.g. December, April, May Exam Paper Name Duration in hours and mins Stationary Requirements Special requirements e.g. fixed date/time, specific room e.g. computer lab; double desks; common content with other exams (specify the other exams by code) etc Feedback Each course is now required to provide the opportunity for at least one piece of formative assessment with associated feedback within an appropriate timescale to enable students to learn from this prior to the summative assessment. This field should be used to describe the assessment and feedback strategies used on the course, along with their indicative pattern and schedule of feedback. N.B. There is an opportunity here to indicate what is expected from students on the course regarding their active engagement with the feedback they have been given – e.g. students are required to reflect upon their feedback and submit a short paragraph along with a list of intended action points Course Availability (Visiting Students) * Identify which category of student can enroll on this course - e.g. this course is available as an outside course elective and also to visiting students or conversely this course is only available to students studying on XX degree programme. Normal Year Taken* Select the year in which the course is normally taken. This is a guideline only and does not exclude students from taking the course in alternative years. SCQF Credit Volume* Select the credit points (cps) volume for the course based upon multiple units of 10 - e.g. 10cps or 20cps or 40cps, etc. The volume of credit relates to hours of student learning (not contact hours or scheduled taught time) and one credit point equates to 10 Hours of student learning. The base unit of credit points for a Course at the University of Edinburgh is currently a minimum of 10cps and multiples thereof and for example a 20 cps course would require 200 hours to be made available to the student for learning and would equate to the equivalent of 5 x 40 hour weeks. Exceptionally, courses requiring different credit values would require approval/exemption via the Senatus Curriculum and Student Progression Committee (CSPC). 0 Credit rated courses which are compulsory, are assessed and students are required to pass to progress are not permitted. SCQF Credit Level * Every course must be assigned a specific level of learning and should align to the principles of the national Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF). SCQF Levels 7 to 10 for HE Undergraduate, Level 11 for HE Post-Graduate and Level 12 for HE Doctoral level study. The credit level selected will form part of the new course code - e.g. HIST09001 where '09' is the SCQF credit level of the course. Decisions about the level to which a course must be assigned should ultimately be based on the relevant level descriptors and characteristics of learning as published by the SCQF - To facilitate flexibility and extend choice the University of Edinburgh has adopted a particular approach to this and primarily uses SCQF level 8 for first and second year undergraduate courses and level 10 for honours level study in years three and four and, where required, year five (integrated UG Masters). Importantly all courses should reflect the correct level of study and intended learning outcomes, and each programme needs to ensure that students at each level and year of study engage with all five characteristics of learning as described within the SCQF. Where the core of a specialist and/or professional undergraduate programme or programme pathway requires sequential and systemic building upon previous learning, these programmes may be designed to use the full range of SCQF Levels – i.e. 7,8,9 and 10; the courses within these programmes usually have restricted access to students and cannot routinely be taken as outside course electives or by visiting students. Home Subject Area* Each course must be allocated a Home Subject Area from the list of approved subject areas within the owning School. The Home Subject area selected will form the first 4 characters of the course code e.g. HIST09001 where 'HIST' represents History. It also determines which Subject Course Collections the courses should be included in and the subject area the course will be displayed under in the DRPS course catalogue. Other Subject Area As noted above, all courses must be assigned to a 'Home' Subject Area from the list of approved subject areas within the owning School. In addition a course can also be assigned an ‘Other’ Subject Area where a course is shared with another subject. The Home Subject Area is ultimately responsible for all quality assurance and enhancement activities related to the course. Course Organiser All courses must have a named Course Organiser and it is of critical importance that this is kept up to-date and accurate. Changes will be reflected on all course instances already created for future sessions via course roll-forward, and on any new course instances created. To arrange for a Course Organiser to be updated on a previous course instance, please send a request to with details of the changes required. Other processes in the University rely on this data being current - e.g. course evaluation questionnaires. If the Course Organiser is known, begin typing their name and select from the drop down list. Note that changes will only affect course instances for the current any future sessions; course organiser will remain unchanged on historic course instances. Once a course has been approved, the Course Organiser's details (name, email address, telephone number) will automatically be published in the online DRPS (see Course Secretary As above all courses must have a named Course Secretary and it is of critical importance that this is kept up to-date and accurate in the year of delivery. Other processes in the University rely on this data being current - e.g. course evaluation surveys. If the Course Secretary is known at the proposal stage then this information can be captured using the dynamic list to retrieve the appropriate member of staff. Once a course has been approved, the Course Secretary's details (name, email address, telephone number) will automatically be published in the online DRPS (see Course Type* Identify the course type e.g. Standard, Dissertation, Sandwich, Placement, Year Abroad, Project. Default Delivery Period* This enables recording of the Default Delivery Period for the course at the point of proposal and approval. This is not necessarily the actual delivery period on a year-by-year basis. Once a course is approved, a course delivery or multiple deliveries are created to record the actual delivery period for each instance of the course. Examination and Assessment Information (Previously Default Course Mode of Study)* These values are used to identify which students are expected to be examined (for examination timetabling, etc.) and/or whether the student is attending classes. When students are registered on a course, the value recorded here is defaulted in: this can be amended on the students course enrolments at a later date if appropriate. Valid Values are: CE [Class and Examination - Classes and Assessment (including centrally arranged examination)] i.e. the norm is that the students attend classes and are expected to undertake the course’s examination(s); the course may or may not also require students to undertake assignments as part of the overall assessment CA [Class and Assignment - Classes and Assessment (excluding centrally arranged examination)] i.e. the norm is that the course is assessed by assignment only (includes ‘take-home’ exams) – students do not undertake centrally timetabled examinations E – [Examination Only] - i.e. the norm is that students do not attend classes but do undertake centrally timetabled examinations (an example would be Synoptic courses) C – [Classes Only] i.e. the norm is that students have no form of assessment – and therefore no examination or assignments (Note: if the course awards credits, Class Only is not a valid Study Mode as there must be some form of assessment/pass in order for credits to be awarded). Note that if the Default Mode of Study is C – Class Only then the credits must be 0 Marking Scheme* The marking scheme under which the course is assessed- Pre-Requisites for UoE Students It is important to clearly identify any pre-requisite courses a student may require to successfully complete prior to undertaking this course. At the course proposal stage any pre-requisite requirements for the course should be recorded as free text. These will be recorded as a structured set of rules following course approval that will force validation during the course enrolment process. Pre-requisite requirements will be printed in the Course Catalogue within the DRPS. Co-Requisites for UoE Students At the course proposal stage any co-requisite requirements for the course should be recorded as free text. These will be recorded as a structured set of rules following course approval that will force validation during the course enrolment process. Co-requisite requirements will be printed in the Course Catalogue within the Degree Regulations and Programme Specifications (DRPS). Prohibited Combinations for UoE Students Course(s) which cannot be taken with this proposed course and counted towards a graduating curriculum should be recorded as free text during the proposal stage. These will be recorded as a structured set of rules following course approval that will force validation during the course enrolment process. Prohibited combinations will be printed in the Course Catalogue within the DRPS. Pre-Requisites for Visiting Students Only At the course proposal stage any specific Visiting Student pre-requisite and/or prior learning / experience requirements for the course should be recorded as free text. These will be recorded as a structured set of rules following course approval that will force validation during the course enrolment process. Visiting student pre-requisite requirements will be printed in the Visiting Student Prospectus. Any Costs To Be Met By Students The University has agreed that its practice with regard to levying additional charges on students should be consistent with the Scottish Executive (SE) / Scottish Funding Council (SFC) guidance. In particular, charges should not be levied for goods, services or facilities that comprise core provision as defined by SE/SFC. Please refer to Governance and Strategic Planning for further information. Percentage of The Course Taught By Another Institution Where there is formal collaboration with another institution external to the University of Edinburgh in delivering the course, the percentage of their contribution must be recorded. This is an external reporting requirement to ensure accuracy in our statutory returns when attributing percentage contributions by different institutions to each student’s education. Collaborating Institution Information Related to the above, full details of the collaborating institution and the nature of their contribution to the course – e.g. Specialist expertise is provided by staff from XX University during weeks 3 to 8 and they also contribute to the exam marking and feedback to students. This equates to 20% of the Course delivery. Taught in Gaidhlig?* Identifies if the course is taught in Gaidhlig. This will only appear on the course descriptor if the course is taught in Gaelic Study Abroad This field should only contain information if this course is available to or supports students while they are studying abroad and away from the University and/or is the course within which the study abroad experience is managed and/or assessed and credited. Default is Not Applicable Special Arrangements Any additional information required for the course - e.g. there are limited places available to take this course as an outside elective and non-XX programme specialist students wishing to enrol should first contact the Course Secretary to ascertain availability. Fee Code If Invoiced At Course Level If students on programmes invoiced at course level (e.g. Education’s Modular Masters’ Scheme) are expected to undertake the course, a fee code should be allocated, to reflect the fee to be invoiced. Convenor of the Board of Examiners The Convenor of the Board of Examiners will have to be recorded at some point by the Course Organiser/Secretary prior to the generation of the first course results list which is forwarded to the recorded Convener. This can be recorded/updated via the Amend Course link in the Curriculum Management homepage for an individual course or by contacting EUCLID Support for block changes across several courses. Display in Visiting Student Prospectus This records whether the course should be displayed in the Visiting Student Prospectus. Where the course is not available to Visiting Students, this must be set to No. Course URL A course URL can be used to provide basic information about the course, so that e.g. prospective applicants can access a web presence for the course to obtain more detailed information than held in the DRPS. The URL must be valid (i.e. exist) and must not require any form of authentication (e.g. that the user is within the .ed domain). Student Systems will run a routine process to identify invalid URLs and will remove these, advising the Course Secretary. Please note that a URL link to any LEARN entry (the University's corporate Virtual Learning Environment) for the course delivery should not be added here. Within their MyEd Courses Channel, each student automatically has a link to LEARN for all course deliveries for which they are enrolled. PG online Courses use Moodle. URL for Additional Supporting Documents EUCLID CCAM allows staff to upload supporting documentation as part of the course proposal process. It is envisaged that many of the approving committees will consider courses online (via EUCLID) rather than receiving substantial documentation as part of the agenda. The data captured during the proposal process along with any uploaded supporting documents will form the essential framework, however there may be a requirement to have additional supporting documentation mounted on the web. The full URL of the additional supporting documentation should be provided here. Comments (Internal Use Only) Can be used to record data specific to that School for Internal Use Only. High Demand Please indicate (where known) if the course experiences high-demand and/or has a defined maximum number of places. Where this is the case please also indicate how students are selected for enrolment – e.g. on a first come basis This article was published on 2024-07-29