How to cancel a 1:1 meeting. Login to your MyED portal. Click on the Teaching and Research tab and find Euclid. Click on the Student Adviser tab. This will display a list of the students assigned to you. Image Click on the Notes/Meetings button next to the appropriate student. This will display the Notes/Meetings window. Image Meeting yet to be held can be cancelled by clicking on the Cancel Meeting link next to the meeting record. This will display the Cancel Meeting window for recording the reasons for the cancellation. Image Key in the cancellation details within the Notes section. Select the appropriate option(s) from the Categories menu (i.e. Academic, Personal , Health and wellbeing, Student administration, Professional and skills development, Other) Click on the Cancel Meeting to save the details. This will update the meeting to Cancelled and record with the details of the cancellation: Image This article was published on 2024-07-29