Pre Viva

View guidance on 'Pre-viva' required details, including recording dates for the submission of the 'Non-examining chair report', the External examiners acceptance date, and the thesis submitted dates.

Once examiners have been recorded against the student you can continue keying the dates.

examiner totals and populating dates against

The dates that need to be completed for each examiner can be seen below:

  • Non-existing chair report submitted
  • Accepted
  • Sent thesis
  • Confirmed receipt
  • Submitted Part I, II, III
dates for each examiner

Completing the dates up to 'Part I' of the internal and external examiners and keying an agreed Viva date will complete the 'Pre-viva' section.

Please note you can download the 'Thesis cover letters' for each examiner when sending the thesis from this page.

Image of outcome selected pop up window

Continue to key the dates through the 'Thesis submission' process.

entering examiner dates

Scroll to the bottom and click on 'Save'.

submissions summary screen

Once the Viva has been completed and Part II has been received you can continue to key the 'Outcome' dates:

Outcome dates guidance 


Student Records

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