Grid entry

Grid entry allows you to manually key item or assessment marks for multiple students.

Process with screenshots


Process summary

  1. From the Assessment Hub home screen, click Enter marks
  2. On the resit side, click the drop down arrow for the item, component, or assessment you want to enter marks for and select Grid Entry
  3. If the "Select Marker" box appears either select the name of the marker from the list, or leave this as No Marker and click continue
  4. Arrange the list of students so they're in an order convenient for you:
    • You can view by student ID, name or exam number and sort each of these columns
    • You can also use the search box to locate a specific student
  5. Type the mark in the appropriate box for the student and then either tab, enter, or click out of the box to go to the next one and enter another mark. 
    • Once the mark is saved you'll see a tick appear next to it.

Next steps

Once you have entered all the resit marks you can calculate a new result. Some guidance you may find useful: