Information on recording course assessment results in EUCLID, and marking schemes. The University operates Common Marking Schemes for Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes and courses. All Schools follow these marking schemes, with the exception of BVM&S and MBChB programmes. Further details can be found at the link here:Extended Common Marking SchemeDifferent Marking Schemes exist in EUCLID for courses that require only an overall grade ('grade only') and those courses that require both an overall mark and grade ('mark and grade'). There are also different Marking Schemes for Undergraduate Honours, Undergraduate Non-Honours and Postgraduate courses.The Marking Schemes currently in use are listed in the tables below:Common Marking Scheme – Undergraduate (excl MBChB and BVM&S) CodeDescriptionVERSGH / MTM6Common Marking Scheme - UG Honours Grade OnlyVERSGN / MTM5Common Marking Scheme - UG Non-Honours Grade OnlyVERSMH / MTM2Common Marking Scheme - UG Honours Mark/GradeVERSMN / MTM1Common Marking Scheme - UG Non-Honours Mark/Grade Common Marking Scheme - Postgraduate CodeDescriptionVERSGP / MTM4Common Marking Scheme - PG Grade OnlyVERSMP / MTM3Common Marking Scheme - PG Mark/Grade MBChB in the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine CodeDescriptionMBCHB1MBChB Grade Only BVM&S in the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies CodeDescriptionBVMS1GBVM&S Grade OnlyBVMS1MBVM&S Mark/Grade When a new course is created in EUCLID (using CCAM 'New Course Proposal' function), the appropriate Marking Scheme must be selected.Recording of Course Assessment Grades within EUCLIDOutcome and grades, currently used within EUCLID are explained below.OutcomeEUCLID GradeDescriptionPASS A1Student has passed all assessmentsA2A3BCDPUsed for students who Pass on grades only courses e.g. Pass or Fail course. Return result as P.ESUsed for students who marginally failed (mark of 38 or 39) but Pass and credits have been awarded due to special circumstances. Return result as 38 ES or 39 ES .PSUsed for students who marginally failed but Pass and credits have been awarded due to special circumstances. Used for grade only courses. Return result as PS.FAILEStudent has failed all assessmentsFGHFFForce Fail - Student has failed an assessment but passed other assessments. Return result as mark FF e.g. > 40 FF.NFUsed for students who fail on grades only course e.g. Pass or Fail course. Return result as NF.ROnly available on Honours and PG mark schemes, is used to force the creation of a resit record (Honours and PG students should only be allowed resits in exceptional circumstances). Return result as mark R e.g. 35 R.Credits Awarded on AggregationAAABSENT - Credits awarded on aggregation - Student was absent. Credits can be given if exam board are in agreement.CAFAIL - Credits awarded on aggregation - Student has failed all assessments. Credits can be given if a mark is between 0 and 39. Exam board must be in agreement. CDCourse delivery disrupted, awarded on aggregation UACredits awarded on aggregation - Student has failed an assessment. Credits can be given if a mark is =>40. Exam board must be in agreement.AbsentANStudent was absent, return result as 0 ANClass OnlyNONon-assessed (class only)WithdrawnWDStudent has withdrawn. Return result as 0 WD. If a student has withdrawn but has results return result as mark WD e.g. 35 WDNull sitNSNull sit (Exceptional circumstances) NICourse delivery disrupted, null sit Guidance on the different ways to upload Course Results to the Assessment Hub is available at the link here:Entering marks Pre-2010/11 Course Result RecordsPrior to 2010/11 course results were recorded in a different format on the previous student record system (WISARD/NESI). For a mapping of historic results to EUCLID grades please see the link here: This article was published on 2024-07-29