View guidance on maintaining core individual letters as a 'PGR Thesis workflow' 'Super User'. There is now a specific area on which you can maintain PGR letters. Click on the 'Manage PGR letters' link within the 'Postgraduate Lifecycle' container. Image This will take you to a screen where you can Manage three types of letters: core Letters outcome Letters exclusion letters Image Core letters include 'Examiners', 'NITS received', 'Concessions' and the 'Award' letter. Image To create or Edit a letter click on the 'Edit' button. You will then be taken into the letter editor, with the title of the letter and other details already populated for Core letters. Image The letter editor will allow you to write or edit the letters using data tags and basic formatting. The tag button allows you to select data tags to insert into the letters: Image Insert tags and text into the letter to reflect what you wish to appear when generated. If you hover over the tags some explanation text will appear which may help in deciding exactly what data the tag is pulling. Image Inserting a SHIFT+RETURN at the end of a line of text will mean the line immediately following will have no gap showing between the lines. This is useful at the start and end of the letter with Student Name and Student Address appearing immediately after each other and should not contain a break. A RETURN will create a gap between the paragraphs of text when generating the letter. Add an extra RETURN if you require extra space. Please be mindful of adding too many of these as it may create the letter to go over multiple pages when not necessary. Note: Today’s date will be generated in the header by default on all except the Examiner Nomination Form. Image When downloading the letters you can see the letterhead details populated, the wording including tags and the signature details. This article was published on 2024-07-29