Student hub overview

Read about our Student hub redesign along with an instructional video including details on the enhanced IT tools that allows staff to retrieve and navigate student records more effectively.

Student hub redesign

A major revamp of the student hub within EUCLID has been undertaken by the Student Systems team and the new screens will be made available to staff when the yearly upgrade of EUCLID is complete on 14/3/16.

The current student hub had been extended and adapted over the years and the software had become difficult to maintain and was presented in a variety of styles. The requirement to display and update a large amount of PGR data from within the hub prompted a review of the screens and a decision that this was the right time to undertake a re-write was made.

The final phase of testing has included sharing a view-only beta version of the hub with around 80 University staff allowing them to interact with the software and provide feedback. This has gone well with most of the feedback being taken on board and incorporated.

New look and feel

The yearly upgrade of the EUCLID software has brought with it changes to the look and feel the most obvious of which is that the menu has now moved to the top of the screen from the side and is styled slightly differently. However once you click on the menu options then the access to other screens remains the same. Some screens look slightly different in terms of styling but all of the data and functionality are as before.

Image of EUCLID Home page


Instructional video



Watch our videos

These videos show how our software works, with text guidance. They have no sound.

To view in full screen click the video title (top left hand corner) and watch direct from youtube with all the youtube functionality available.

Please note that our videos will not display in Google Chrome due to a bug, but can be viewed in other browsers.

To receive this information in an alternative format, contact our team.

Student Systems

Work: +44 (0)131 651 4000




New Student Hub overview