Logging in to Mobility Online

View guidance on gaining access to the Mobility Online software.


You can access Mobility Online via the button below:

Mobility Online login

This will take you to the login screen below:

Image of mobility online login screen

If you have forgotten your password, you can request your password by clicking the button ‘Forgot password’ and entering your user name.

The password will be sent to the last email-address saved on your user-account.

Your Login and initial Password will be set to your UUN (e.g. mtaylor8).  

Once signed in, the screen you see next will depend on whether you are already logged into EASE.  If you are not logged in, you will see the usual EASE login and, once you sign in, you will be taken to your Mobility homepage. 

If you are already logged in to EASE then you will see a confirmation page before being taken to your Mobility page.

Reference links

Navigating the Mobility Online Menu Structure 

Go Abroad team Student Exchanges

Edinburgh University - study abroad in Edinburgh

Help and support

For help and support using the 'Mobility Online' software, please contact us on the email details below, or on extension. 514000 if your query is urgent.

Student Systems

Contact details