How to review an individual progression record

You can review an individual progression record by clicking the Edit button beside their name.

These instructions are based on the assumption you have already accessed the Progression & Awards system. If you haven't please see How to access the system.

Process summary

  1. Click the edit button on the end of the student's progression line (this button is on the right of the Status column)
  2. Review the calculations tab
  3. Review the course marks profile tab
  4. Check the selection statuses

You'll need to resolve any errors you find, such as changing the selection statuses if they're incorrect. If course results are missing you'll need to remember to run the calculations again once the marks/grades have been calculated in the Assessment Hub. 

Full process with screenshots

If you need a bit more guidance you'll find step by step instructions with screenshots included on the document below.  

If you want to return to this page after viewing the guidance, please click your browser's back button. 

Next steps

Once you have reviewed all student's progression details, made any required changes, and have resolved any errors, you're ready to prepare for the programme board.

For further guidance, please see: