Force failing as an average across multiple assessments

This complex assessment scenario explores the setup needed to fail a student for a set of assessments.

Where there is a minimum pass mark for an assessment that is higher than the standard 40% pass mark, force fail will need to be used. If this pass mark is not met, the student(s) will fail the overall course regardless of their performance on other course assessments. Different pieces of assessment can be grouped together into a Set allowing for an average minimum pass mark across these grouped assessments. There can be a maximum of 5 different sets of assessments across a single course instance. Force Fail Set can also be used where the pass mark of 40% needs to be achieved as an average across a group of assessments.

Force fail can only be set at the highest level of an assessment (ie individual components or items cannot be set to force fail).

In the "Set Up Assessments" screen, press the "Build Structure" button and add an assessment. If you are unsure how to do this, please see the basic assessment set up page.

Give the assessment a name, a type (exam/coursework) and a weighting. Add a force fail percentage and choose a Set, press "Save and Continue". If applicable, add components / items to the new assessment.

Force Fail Set

From the test structure screen, it is possible to see that student STU_RAND3_ would fail the course despite earning an overall mark of 62% and passing both the exam and assignment 1. This is because the average mark for the two assignments was only 49%: just under the force fail percentage for the two pieces of coursework which had been grouped into a single set (Set 1).

Force Fail Set marks

An example of this scenario can be seen below where two items of coursework have been grouped together into Set 1 with a minimum pass rate of 50%.

Force Fail Set view print