Maintain individual assessment outcome letters

View guidance on maintaining assessment outcome individual letters as a 'PGR Thesis workflow' 'Super User'.

The 'Assessment outcome letters' are the letters which are auto generated on selecting an outcome against a student within the thesis workflow. Each letter is created and attached to the outcome in the 'Manage Assessment & outcomes' screen.

Please Note:  Outcome is different from Award.

The overview screen will show you the title, where this will generante and updated information.

Image of maintain letters list

For example if we look at the PhD letter below you can view the letter and where this will generate:

'Submit Final copies – 28(a) letter and outcome' 

Select Edit to view or update the existing letter.

Image of Edit letters screen

You can view the letter content including all the validated data tags created.

Image of letter tags list

You can save ay changes or select ‘Back’ to return to the overview screen.

Image of final copies of letters

This outcome letter is generated against any of the above outcomes. You can go to the 'Manage Assessment Types 'screen from the hyperlink on this page or from the original menu option.

Image of manage assessment types link within letters list screen

When in the 'Manage Assessment types and outcomes' screen you need to select the 'Assessment type' which you need to manage and select ‘Edit outcomes’.

Image of edit letters button

Here you can see that the 'PhD – Submit Final copies' letter is assigned to the following outcomes:

Image of outcome letters list

When the above outcome is chosen for a student this letter will auto generate.