View guidance on the EUCLID access rights attributed to the 'View only' role for the scholarship administration IT tools. HTML View only access to the 'Scholarships administration' EUCLID tool provides access to all Scholarship application details that were previously submitted via the SSFS online form and administered by the SSFS team. An exercise was carried out earlier in 2016 to ask Schools if they wished to include any scholarships for administration within this tool. If your scholarship was not included within the new EUCLID tools then you will continue to administer the scholarship applications as before. If you are not sure if your scholarship is being administered within EUCLID, please contact Student Systems via our contact details at the bottom of this page.Information about the layout of the information displayed within the Scholarship application can be seen within the 'Navigation' online help (see below).Reference linksRetrievalNavigationScreening accessDecision making access Student Systems Contact details Email: This article was published on 2024-07-29
HTML View only access to the 'Scholarships administration' EUCLID tool provides access to all Scholarship application details that were previously submitted via the SSFS online form and administered by the SSFS team. An exercise was carried out earlier in 2016 to ask Schools if they wished to include any scholarships for administration within this tool. If your scholarship was not included within the new EUCLID tools then you will continue to administer the scholarship applications as before. If you are not sure if your scholarship is being administered within EUCLID, please contact Student Systems via our contact details at the bottom of this page.Information about the layout of the information displayed within the Scholarship application can be seen within the 'Navigation' online help (see below).Reference linksRetrievalNavigationScreening accessDecision making access Student Systems Contact details Email: