Guidance for External Academics on how to access their student records Supervisors based in external institutions should use their University MyEd account to access their applicant academic review requests or their student records. There are two ways you can access your record. 1. You may receive an email with a link to an application or a student's annual progression review. You must log into your MyEd account and enter your memorable word before the record will open in the EUCLID system. If you are unable to follow the link and you have access to EUCLID, please follow the steps below. 2. You can also log into your account directly. This is particularly useful if you experience issues accessing the record or completing the task via a link in an email. Log into MyEd Select 'Teaching and Research'. Click 'EUCLID' and follow the security prompts for your memorable word Click 'Students' and student records assigned to you will display. If you wish to open a student's progression annual review, click 'Annual Review Monitoring | My Students’. The Annual Review Monitoring page will open and a list of annual reviews assigned to you will display. Click ‘View Review’ to open and complete your stage of the review. If you don't have access to MyEd or EUCLID, please contact the School that manages your supervisory appointment and they will arrange this for you. This article was published on 2024-07-29