In some cases more than one progression record for the same student is a valid scenario. If a second record is not required you can try to delete it. Valid duplicatesIf a progression decision is published with a deferred decision - e.g. "Progression Decision Deferred" or "Conditional Progression" - a second record will be created.This is so a new decision is processed in the new record once the reason for the deferral is resolved.This is a valid "duplicate" record and both should have a progression decision.You can see which progression decisions create another record by looking at the spreadsheet on the List of progression & award decisions page (you can filter column E "Creates an additional progression record").Invalid duplicatesIn some cases a second progression record may be created in error.If the previous record is not a deferred decision and you don't think a second record is needed, you can try to delete the progression record. For guidance see Deleting a progression record.You'll only be able to delete the record if the student is not fully matriculated and the progression record is not ratified or published.Unable to remove invalid duplicateIf you're unable to delete the duplicate record and don't think it's needed then log a UniDesk call for Student Systems by emailing Please include the programme details (name/code, year and academic year) and the student. This article was published on 2024-07-29