Annual review parameters

Use our guidance to help you maintain the parameters for your School’s annual reviews

EUCLID's Postgraduate Research Student Life Cycle Parameters control the data that will appear in your School's annual reviews.  The parameters link can be found in the EUCLID Students menu under the Maintain Students heading.


There is no option to make bulk updates once annual reviews have been created, therefore it is important to ensure the annual review parameters for your School or programme are set before the annual reviews begin.  Once the annual review has started, any changes must be made individually in each annual review.


PGRAR Parameters 1


Annual Reviews still to be created

To bulk update future annual reviews still to be created, use:

  • Update School Details, affecting all annual reviews for the School, or
  • Update Programme Details; useful where a School’s programmes are directed by different teams.


Annual Review Edit


These parameters will enable you to update all future annual reviews for your School or programme:

  • Postgraduate Director*
  • Deputy Postgraduate Director
  • Additional Sign Off
  • School email address as it appears in the students' annual reviews
  • School help URL; this appears in the student's record and directs them to the School's own guidance on PGR annual reviews.

Note that the Programme Director for the programme will not automatically be included as the Postgraduate Director in the annual review.  The Postgraduate Director data should be added to the annual review parameters as described below.


Update School Details


Editing the annual review parameters

As you type the name of the Postgraduate Director, Deputy Postgraduate Director or Additional Sign Off in the field, their details will appear in the dynamic list.  Select the correct name from the list to display their 12-digit EUCLID code.  Click ‘Save’ to store and update future annual reviews for the School or programme.


School Details or Programme Details - which appears in the annual review?

Some Schools have one Postgraduate Director to sign off all annual reviews, others have groups of programmes with different Postgraduate Directorates.  Using these parameters will ensure that the correct Postgraduate Director and Deputy Postgraduate Director is assigned to the reviews.

  • If the School parameters are populated and the Programme parameters are left blank, new annual reviews will have the School parameters.
  • If the School parameters are left blank and the Programme parameters are populated, new reviews will feature the Programme parameters.
  • Where both the School and Programme parameters are populated, the Programme data takes precedence and the annual review will be populated with the Programme parameters.


Additional Sign Off

  • The Additional Sign Off can be an administrator or an academic, but they cannot have a separate role in the annual review.  For example, one of the supervisors in the review cannot also be the Additional Sign Off
  • The Additional Sign Off has access to view reviews to ensure they are complete and can submit them to the Postgraduate Director for final sign off.
  • The Additional Sign Off does not have access to upload documents or make any amendments to the review.
  • You can assign yourself as the Additional Sign-Off. 


School Help

The School email address and School help URL must be up to date as this information appears to students in the Research page of their student record


School Guidance


Annual reviews that have already begun

Use the following parameters to update individual reviews

  • Select ‘Change Postgraduate Director’ to amend the Postgraduate Director in an annual review that has already started.
  • Select ‘Change Additional Sign Off’ to amend the School’s Additional Sign Off in an annual review that has already started.


Individual Reviews