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Immigration guidance for our staff

Student immigration advice

We are here to help you get your Student visa and protect your immigration status while you are studying.  

Our four immigration advisers provide personalised, accurate advice to students and their dependants. All team members are highly skilled professionals who strictly adhere to the Immigration Advice Authority (IAA) Code of Practice

Immigration Advice Authority (IAA) website

Important Note for Parents/Guardians

We require written consent from students to discuss their visa applications. A brief email confirming their consent is typically sufficient.

Our key responsibilities

  • Ensure all international students have the right to study in the UK  
  • Issue Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) numbers to students applying in the Student visa route
  • Provide Student route and post-study immigration guidance
  • Protect and maintain the University’s Student Sponsor Licence 

Immigration advice we provide

We offer support with: 

  • Specialist Student visa advice, such as Student visa eligibility requirements and application form guidance
  • Standard visitor visa eligibility and application form guidance (only where study is the main purpose)
  • Student dependant visa eligibility and application form guidance
  • Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS)
  • Student and standard visitor application refusals
  • Student visa conditions (how to protect your immigration status)
  • Graduate visa eligibility information 

Limitations of our immigration advice

We cannot provide guidance on: 

  • Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR/settlement) applications
  • Naturalisation/citizenship applications
  • Applications falling outside of the UK Immigration Rules
  • Family visa applications falling outside of the Student route
  • Standard visitor visas for non-study purposes
  • Applications for countries other than the UK, including Schengen visa applications
  • Asylum and human rights-based applications
  • Student visa applications that will be sponsored by another UK institution  

We can offer initial guidance on post-study work options like Skilled Worker or Global Talent visas, but cannot assess individual eligibility or review specific applications. 

Alternative ways to contact us 

Phone: +44 (0) 131 650 9265 

You may be able to contact us by phone on the following days and times (UK time zone):

  • Monday: 1pm-3pm
  • Wed: 10am-12pm
  • Friday: 1pm-3pm  

We can only provide general information on the phone and not specialist advice. You would be advised to send us an online enquiry. If you require specialist immigration advice, you will need to use an online enquiry form.

One-to-one appointments

You may be able to request for a MS Teams appointment with an adviser, where you require immigration advice. We may offer in-person appointments where preferred and based on staff availability. 

You must contact us by using the relevant enquiry form before we can offer you an appointment. Please include as much information as possible when completing the form.

An adviser will assess a request for whether an appointment would be suitable and necessary.  

Other support

Accessibility support

If you need extra assistance to access our services, or information in an alternative accessible format, then let us know by contacting us through our online enquiry form. 

BSL Contact Options

External immigration advice

If you require further assistance with the application process or help in deciding which visa you may be eligible for, you may wish to seek advice from an Immigration Advice Authority (IAA) regulated immigration adviser or solicitor. 

Find an regulated immigration adviser - GOV.UK

Get specialist immigration advice - Citizens Advice

Scottish Migration Service - Scotland Government

Security and out of hours emergency support

If you experience a crisis or emergency outside normal working hours, or you're a parent or supporter of a current student, you can contact the University through the University Security 24/7 contact number 0131 650 2257

A member of Security will assist or redirect to the appropriate services.

Emergency student support (out-of-hours)

Victim of a crime guidance

Police Scotland Lost Property Report

Lost or stolen passport/visa

Useful School Contacts