Bringing your family

If you are coming to study in the UK under the Student route you may wish to bring family with you. Some Student visa holders are permitted to bring family members to the UK as dependants. This page gives information that you will need before you apply for Dependant visa, as well as information for family members visiting you for a short period.

News update: Changes for Students with dependants from January 2024

UKVI have announced that, from January 2024, there will be changes to which students can bring dependants with them during their studies. If you are commencing studies commencing  on or after 1 January 2024, you will only be able to have dependants in the UK if:

  • you are undertaking a PhD or other doctoral qualification, or a research-based higher degree, or
  • you are studying a course of more than 6 months and you are in receipt of a national government issued financial scholarship/sponsorship.

Before you apply

Application process

How to apply

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